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"Mommy!" Hana call her Chorong right after she walk in the house.

"Yes, princess. What is it? I'm in the kitchen."

Hana walk in the kitchen and hug Chorong. Chorong frown and asks "What happen princess?"

"I hate Haneul oppa and Ha Jun oppa."

"What? Why?"

"Haneul oppa and Ha Jun oppa scold the guy that I always talk to and said that not to even think to come near me."

"They did that. Why?"

"I don't know. Mommy, for the first time I like a person and oppa ruin that to. I hate them."

The Haneul and Ha Jun walk in the kitchen and Chorong look at him.

"Mommy, he was about to kiss Hana." Ha Jun said.

"So. I don't see any wrong with that. Haneul, what were you doing at Hana and Ha Jun school?" Chorong said.

"Ha Jun call me and said that a guy is following and always be with Hana. I need to know who he is and why is he disturbing our princess."

Then Suho walk in the kitchen and ask "What happen here? Why do I hear your mother scolding you?"

"Your son went and scold a guy that Hana like and told him not to disturb her anymore." Chorong said.

Suho look at Haneul and Ha Jun and smile "Good job son."

"Suho." Chorong shout.

"Not you too, daddy." Hana said.

"What? She's a school student. She should focus on her studies. Not dating. What Haneul and Ha Jun did was a good thing. We don't even know who this guy is and what his like."

Hana pull away from Chorong arm and turn. Then she said "I hate you guys. Only mom understands me. And the guy is someone you know. It's Ji Hoon. Leo uncle and Eun Jung aunty son." And run away to her room.

Suho was in shock. "What?"

Chorong look at her husband and son angrily.

"Both of you are grounded. In your room now." Chorong told her sons.



Haneul and Ha Jun turn and walk away to their room.

Chorong fold her arm on her stomach and said "And you mister, what was that about. Your daughter is 16 years old. Every 16 year old girl date and have crush."

"Yeah, I know. But Chrorong you know Hana's condition. We almost lost her. And Leo's son. So not going to happen. Why must his son? Can't she find another guy?"

"Suho, I know your worry because she was born premature and we almost lost her. But this is not the way. Until when do you plan to trammel her?

"Maybe forever."

"Kim Jun Myeon!"


"And I know Leo's son. We know him. His okay and I can't think anyone as good as him for our Hana."

"Suho, let her be. That's life. I dated when I was 16. So what is the problem with our daughter dating when she's 16?"

"I don't know sweetheart. I'm scared. I don't want to see our daughter to get hurt."

"That's life Suho. People get hurt. I don't want that to happen to our daughter to. But Suho, let her live her life. She deserves it."

Suho sigh. There is right in Chorong's word. He walks and pulls Chorong in his arm and hugs her tightly.

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