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The next morning, Suho wake up and smile looking at Chorong. He kiss her head as usual but this time it was different. Chorong was hot. Suho place the back of his hand on Chorong forehead and the neck and it was hot. Chorong have fever. He panic for a while. This must happen because she over stressed. Suho taught. He stand up, pull the duvet and cover Chorong until under her chin and walk down to the kitchen to take a medicine. Then he climb back up with medicine and a glass of water to the room. He place the medicine and glass on the side table and wake Chorong up by caressing her cheek.

"Honey, wake up. Take this medicine."

"I don't want to. I don't like it." Chorong said without moving or open her eyes. She couldn't move and her eyes was so heavy to open.

"No. You need to take it. Please."

Chorong shook her head, pull the duvet higher and sleep on her side.

"Come on please. At least take the medicine first. Then you can sleep." Suho hook his hand under Chorong's head and lift up her head. He tell Chorong to open her mouth but she didn't want to.

"If you love me please open your mouth and take this medicine baby."

Chorong did. She open her mouth and Suho place the pill in her mouth and give her water to swollen the medicine. Then he place her back on the pillow and kiss her forehead.

"That's my girl. Now go back to sleep." And Chorong did.

Suho take his phone and call his office to tell his P.A that he won't be going to office today because Chorong is sick and told her to tell his father and cancel all his meeting. Then he walk back to the kitchen to cook some porridge for Chorong. After cooking, he went up and sit beside Chorong on the bed and did his work while waiting for Chorong to wake up.

At one in the evening, Chorong still didn't wake up. Suho place his laptop on the bedside table and went to the toilet to fill the bath tab with lukewarm water. When the bath tab is full of water, he walk out the bathroom and wake Chorong up.

"Wake up sleepy head. Is time to wake up."

Chorong open her eyes and ask in a weak voice "What time is it?"

"It's one in the evening. You need to wake up, take a shower and have your lunch. Then you need to take your medicine."

"Not again. I hate that pill." Chorong pout.

"I know. But still you need to take it. Come on wake up."

Chorong stretch and sit down on the bed. She still weak. When she stand up, she almost fall down because her leg was weak but Suho grab her waist and said "Are you okay? Let me pick you up."

Before Chorong was able to say anything, Suho pick her up in his arm.

"I'm fine. Really."

Suho shook his head and head to the bathroom. Without taking off Chorong's clothes he put Chorong in the bath tab slowly. The moment her body touch her skin, she start to shiver because of cold. Suho take off only his t-shirt and step in the bath tab and sit behind Chorong and place his hand on Chorong waist and each leg beside Chorong's leg. Chorong lay back and head on Suho bare chest.

"How is it now?"

"Better than earlier." Chorong said placing her hand on Suho's hand. Suho kiss her shoulder and said "If you still didn't get batter at night. We'll go to the clinic. Okay."

"No. I'll be fine. I hate hospital or clinic."

"But baby, you need to. I don't like you in this condition. If just I can take the fever from you."

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