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It was after midnight, and the whole house was asleep except for me.

I had stayed up writing some things for school, I really didn't want to miss anything so my teachers emailed me everything I needed to do.

I walked out from my bedroom heading towards the bathroom when I heard familiar voices downstairs.

Their hushed voices echoed through the air, taking over the silence.

"I swear to god Josh she just told me yesterday" I heard Tylers voice, he sounded irritated. His best friend sounded more mad.

"I'm not telling her, and neither will you" he said. Were they talking about me? Or maybe Jenna? Was something wrong about the wedding? I got my answer as I heard Jennas voice.

"I can't do this anymore, either you tell her or I am. This is our wedding for christ sake" she failed to whisper silently, and I slowly walked down the stairs to find the source of the voices.

"It's for the best anyway, I just want to forget all about it and move on" Josh said in a desperate tone. "Please do not tell her about this"

"Tell me about what?" I asked as I entered the living room where the three voices came from.

All of them looked up at me, Tyler and Jenna looked from me to Josh who stayed silent, turning away from me.

"Oh for god's sake" Jenna cried out as she walked up to me and dragged me out from the room and out to the front porch.

I could hear Tyler and Josh argue inside, more intensly this time.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked in shock as Jenna forced me to sit down in the hammock.

"I'm not really allowed to tell you this" she said as the frustration started building up in me.

"Jenna?" I pleaded as she nodded and took a deep breath.

"When you left, the first days Josh was beyond consolation. He was devestated and stayed in his apartment for three days, upset and destroying things. Tyler was worried sick about him. We didn't know what to do, he didn't want to talk to anyone and well, let's face it, everybody was just too upset to even try. We were all upset when you left" she said and I nodded my head, slowly trying to grasp what Jenna had said.

"But why? He cheated on me Jenna, he should've seen it coming!"

"Well... that's just it..." she bit her lip before continuing. "He never cheated on you Lexie. He was being watched by Antonio, he's this big mafia boss who had a deal with Josh but he didn't want to go through with it. He tried to get out but Antonio threatened to kill him and everyone he loved."

"But that girl..?" I whispered and I could feel the tears burn under my eyelids.

I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to know more, but the way Jenna was looking at me made me force myself to listen. My mind was aching to know but my heart felt like it had been tumbling down a graveled road by now.

"She was a part of the deal... I don't know all the details but the request had something to do with money and to get them, he had to pretend to date that girl, Victoria, one of Antonios 'girls'. I swear to you Lexie they never did anything, Victoria knew about you and the only reason Josh didn't tell you was to prevent you from getting hurt. If Antonio would find out about you he would probably have killed you in an instant."

I was shocked. All this happened when I was still with Josh, and I had no idea. I had specifically told him not to keep any secrets from me, not even if they were bad. He always promised me to tell me everything. That's why I never thought something was wrong.

Bulletproof (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now