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Since I took a shower yesterday before I went to sleep, I just stand up from the bed, careful not to wake Daniel up, and go to the closet so I can pick my outfit for today.

I see my favorite sundress and I reach for it so I can put it on, then I get my pair of sunflower-pattern vans and jump into them to tie them loosely. Once I'm done, I walk to the nightstand and take my brush to do my usual and loved ponytail. Right after I'm done, my stomach growls, I make my way to the kitchen and get a bar from one of the shelves, I'd eat much more if it wasn't because it gets me nervous in a day like this.

I rush back to my room to grab my phone and start walking towards the front door, but I stop when I suddenly remember the chocolate my parents bought me so I could concentrate more. I run to the fridge to get it and finally I go outside and get in the van where my mom is already waiting.


I give a brief kiss on my mother's cheek before I hop off to the pavement and I walk quickly even though I'm here at a really good time. As I approach the double doors that lead to the corridor/hall, I take the last bite of the delicious chocolate, not really wanting either this moment or the chocolate to end.

It would have been awkward for almost everyone to be here already and straightening their heads to look at me as I enter if it wasn't because my unnoticeable nervousness won't let me pay attention to that.

Several minutes later, the teacher stands from his chair and gives a small speech regarding the test's value.

"... Just remember to keep your eyes on your own paper and skip a seat per student, please."

After that, my dreaded morning really begins as he starts giving out the pack of pages.

About 1/4 through the exam, I have already skipped a question, but what really makes me stop is the door; Max.

Does he get paid for always being late?

He takes a seat on the front row, where not many students wanted to sit.

Not too long after that, some of my classmates start handing their papers back to the teacher, then they go back to their place and gather their things to leave.

Meanwhile, I am giving up after my hundredth attempt to work on the third question I miserably skipped. I can't. I finally give up and push my chair back so I can stand up and surrender properly, heading to the very front to hand in my file of sheets that is.

I quickly turn my head to the side and glance at my soon-to-be ex tutor a few seconds, then I keep walking until I get to my teacher who smiles briefly and thanks me for being there.

I bring a smile to my lips as I nod and turn to go back to grab my things and go home.

Suddenly I'm forced to look down because Max extended his right hand to me. I accept it so we shake our hands as I say, "Thank you" one last time.

"It was my pleasure, thanks to you, too," he says with a grin.

I take that as my cue to leave and go downstairs to wait until my mom gets here.

My mom doesn't take much time, though I think I could have stayed making small talk with Max while waiting.

When we arrive home, we almost instantly start eating. My dad's working today, so it's only my nephew, my mom, Melissa, and Daniel. As we eat, we talk about how the test was.

"So, I guess there's a high chance I don't get to see my friends after this," I say before I give a sip to my coke.

Melissa nods, "Yeah, we just need to wait to find out."

"I feel a bit sad already, but even if I can't go, it means that we get to go together" I smile widely, "and not only one of us."

All three of us nod, and keep on eating.

Afterwards I clean the table and then I take Daniel off his seat and we head to the room.

Goodness, this is a mess.

I pick up everything that doesn't belong in the trash and put it on the bed, then I take the broom to finish the floor and finish off by putting everything where it belongs.

I don't really have anything to do right now so I check things on my phone, I'm a sucker for social media so I have every single app on my phone. Except for Kik or those, I've learned that they're mostly for hookups and I'm not into that.

I don't find anything that calls my attention or deserves to be classified as significant and my head starts to wander.

What would it be like now that I'm not certain on whether I'll be able to go to school in a few weeks or not?

It's frustrating, you know?
I'm Mexican and even though my parents have tried everything possible, it's never enough for me to study in college. It's like faith didn't want us here. I've demonstrated to be good at school, so has my sister, and my dad has proven to be an amazing violin teacher and student, but it's never enough in this place. Barriers are everywhere. Every step you take means so little because the next time you pick up your leg to continue, you'll be told to go back 5 steps or to come back again later.

I can't imagine the amount of families living my situation. We are not undocumented, but we are treated like if. But even then, the way - some - undocumented persons are treated isn't very much fair either. I know it's illegal, I don't condole what those persons do, but not everyone comes to this place to tear it apart, and what tears me apart is what those free-of-malice humans are forced to go through.

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