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     I've had way too much fun in here. I hope I can come during fall semester. These few weeks do nothing but get me anxious about my education.

     I wish I would stop zoning out while walking for the Scavenger Hunt homework because Kay, one of the friends I met at school, and Analaura keep on asking what place is next. It's the last day we have to finish it up, and - as lazy girls - we are rushing through it. Funny how it occurred to me to forget my stuff at home.

     Kay is a sweet girl, she has a really light brown tone on her hair, pair that with loose waves on it. She has brown eyes and uses glasses. She's taller than I am, - who isn't? - but not by much. It's pretty noticeable that she has money, but she doesn't come to you like that. She really loves kids, so she's on the teaching field.

     Then we have Analaura, she told me her name is composed by both of her grandmothers' names. She's completely flawless, she's tall-ish, with black curly hair, she's smart and said she chose a major on the medical field. She's wealthy, her dad has a company, but she's also a really humble girl. Though she is a clean freak, it's funny when her papers are unorganized, she would stop talking to us while she fixes them or she goes crazy.

     Analaura takes the lead to Cortez Hall, we need to find some health-concerning answers.

"Did you guys get to write down what the teacher's assistant put on the board yesterday?" I wonder as we take pamphlets from Cortez Hall. We need physical proof to show we were really on the Scavenger Hunt.

"Uh-oh, I didn't." Kay confesses.

Analaura checks her paper, "Neither did I. I guess we have to head to Calvary Building then."

     We continue walking towards the last target also known as Math and Science Building. We go inside after being confused by the plenty possible entrances, why on earth do they put so many doors if only one is going to be open?  It's noticeable it's pretty empty at the moment.

Kay, Analaura, and I notice our tutor starts to stand up, the second one talks in a worried tone, "God, no. He thinks we're here for help."

We don't even let him finish get out of his chair because of the dramatic way our heads were shaking, trying to communicate that we are not in need of help right now.

This is so embarrassing.

We pick up the info cards they offer and we head back to The Tower, the main building.

"I'm gonna have to run now guys, they are almost here to pick me up and I'm not coming tomorrow, so I need to turn the work in right now." Kay doesn't even breathe when she says it.

Analaura can't refrain herself from letting giggles out. "Don't worry, I hope we can see each other afterwards."

"There is still next week, guys, don't get too romantic." I say as we exchange numbers.

"Haha, you own a heart made out of stone." Kay says and we laugh.

I remember I still have to get my stuff ready for tomorrow, so I make an annoyed face. "Ugh, can you guys send me the pictures so I can just do mine?" I say as we put our stuff together.

"You know we are, you don't need to ask." Laura calms me down.


"Laura, do you think you can give me a ride home?" I breath out as I remember my mom had to work and she isn't going to pick me up today.

I live relatively close, but at my 17 years of age I'm still scared to go walking by myself.

She taps her phone before replying "Of course! My pleasure. Let's go?"

I just nod and we head to the parking lot.

     As we are on our way to my house, she tells me about the fuzz with the parking spaces and more stuff about driving. Then she mentions how some persons are annoying when they are walking and bump on the road like they were immortals. She says it is like they do it on purpose. I totally agree, some people are very much like that.

Once we reach my home I start gathering my things once again "Thank you so much, I owe you one."

"Oh, there's no problem. See you tomorrow!" Laura says with a wide smile.

I enter my home after waving goodbye to her.


As usual I start telling my mother and Melissa, my sister, how my day went, I can't help but smile.

I have an older sister, so there's actually three of us: Claudia, Melissa, and then there's me - the younger one.

Melissa is known as the prettiest of the three of us. She has full eyebrows, brown eyes, her hair is thick and a bit puffy, I love it and she hates it. Her check bones are amazingly set on her face, and she has cute pink-ish lips, though she likes to cover them up with darker tones that suit her well. We, apparently, share the same 4'11" height even though she's two years older than me.

Claudia is the hot one. She has curves that you envy, she's already had a baby and manages to amaze you with her shape. She's extremely smart even though she's really clumsy and annoying on life-related things - we share that, ironically. She has the lighter brown on her eyes and likes makeup too much. She also likes changing her hair's color a lot. Her hair barely reaches her shoulders because of that. She has a cold heart, but we all know she loves us.

After we finish talking, I go to take a shower. I find a cute outfit for Daniel, my baby, and look for something comfy to wear as well. I don't take too long to finish off with Dan and continue with myself, once we are dressed up, we go to the table with my family.

When we get to the table, I notice my dad already got here.

"Hey, Stella, I was just texting to send you the pictures, don't forget to put the papers on your bag so you don't forget them." I read when my phone's screen lights up with Kay's name on it.

I finish putting Daniel on his chair and start setting the table, I text back "Thank you so much! Don't worry, I know how much this work means. I'll see you on Monday! :)"

Then my mom starts bringing the food to the table so we can start eating. We talk about how the day went for everyone and laugh at things we say. Once we're done, I stand up to help cleaning the table as usual.

When I'm finished, I say "goodnight" to everyone and take Danielto finally have a good night's rest, knowing we will both go straight into dreaming.

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