Team 7 vs kakashi- sensei part 3

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Alright so hey guys so I don't know this just popped into my head but the name of these chapters don't relate at all but then they do, since I was explaining something about naruto's parents I should rename it but you know what.... fuck that shit I'm not changing them if there are 7 parts then so be it their are. anyways with that chapter: update (sorry) chapter I want to do the rest of them, for meeting the new sensei I might make Yamato join in, not sure yet.

-Last time-
Kushina told her last words to naruto,

"Eight sign seal"


Naru pov.....

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, what I saw made me laugh, everyone except Sakura were wide eyed,

"Naru how do you know about this, I only thought you knew who they were" kakashi-nii asked me looking serious

"Well it's not like.... I'm dumb or anything, when we.... me and pervy sage were by uzushiogakure, well hold on, we were walking and suddenly I disappeared, pervy sage wasn't saying anything so I didn't know he wasn't behind me, he had started looking for me, but he couldn't find me then he walked were I had disappeared, he walked right into a barrier, it was an uzumaki barrier,

well anyways I walked by this little stone hut, me being me I went over to it walked into a barrier, and did it again until I noticed the blood seal that was on it so I bit my fingers and it unlocked, pervy sage was still trying to get threw until it disappeared and he fell forward he searched for me until he found me in front of the hut walking around it, he asked why and I said I couldn't get in, that's when he noticed the uzumaki spiral
He yelled " found the uzushiogakure Kage resting ground" (the place where they were barried),

I shrugged at him and went to the front of the hut and walked in but hit a barrier again, I asked pervy sage how I could unlock this he didn't know, he tried to walk in but he was zapped and fell to the ground, well that left me to do the rest,

I put my hand on the barrier all of a sudden I was doing hand signs to a jutsu I didn't even know, the barrier glowed yellow and then started disappearing, the candles in the hall started up, I walked threw the halls no doors or anything, I then came to a big room with 3 uzukage (idk what they called their kage, I don't even know if they have 3 uzukage or 1 I tried getting information but me being lazy I didn't get far, lol) stone statues, then three tomb stones underneath it, I stepped into the middle and a bright flash of light happened.

-flashback no jutsu-

I walked into a big dome place it had statues of uzukage and tomb stones under it, the sealing had a big sky light in the middle with other ones surrounding it, it made a wired pattern that was painted on, it looked like the moon or sun were supposed to be there and other things were to go in the other skylights, i looked down to the ground and saw lines carved into the ground, i walked into the center to get a better look but that didn't work because a bright flash of light happened, i heard footsteps, from the way they were walking i would say it was three males.

"kushina-chan im so happy you are alright, why didn't you came back sooner?" a man with red hair tied in a pony tail, talked (you know that guy that represented uzushiogakure in the anime that was standing beside the first hokage, well anyways that's what this guy was wearing, oh yeah naruto is wearing the outfit like her moms) he stood beside two other people(the guy with white hair in the anime) and a guy with red hair that looked like the man that talked.

"huh, i think you have the wrong person, Kushina was my mother" i said, i bowed

"idiot does it look like she is from our clan!" the second guy with the red hair said

"no but why does she look like my kushi-chan" he said back

"well then ask her she did say something about her being her mother"

"you speak" he yelled at me

"ahhhhhhh... im sorry please don't hurt me!" i covered my head with my hands and crouched down

"im sorry about them, i am the first uzukage from the uzumaki clan, they and i would like you to explain why you look like my great granddaughter, and myself how you got in here" he crouched down beside me and padded my back. i looked up he looked like a nice man

"its okay, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, or for full name it is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, i am the daughter of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze the fourth hokage, i got in here by doing some hand seals and taking down the barrier and i am currently on a three year training mission, with the legendary toad sage jhiraiya or as i call him pervy sage" i said

"your a Namikaze and Uzumaki, oh god what have you done kushi-chan you made an unstoppable ninja" he cried

"well that explains a lot, how come Kushina-chan isn't with you or your father?" the first uzukage said

"..........there dead" i whispered

"hmm i didn't quite catch that, i think i miss heard you" the third uzukage said

".........i-i-i- i said there dead okay, there gone no longer here to help me, not here to give me hugs when i need them, there not here to beat up the villagers that hurt and yell at me because i have the kyuubi in me, there dead!" i yelled tears flowing out of my eyes, they looked shocked "you hate me to, don't you, you want me to die, because of something i had no control over, i-i-i-i-i i don't know what to do anymore, what is there for me to live for, no one likes me, i hate everything, they hate me i-i-i-im cursed i don't need love"

"don't say that, my kushi-chan wouldn't want you to be this way, she would say that even the most cursed person needed love" the third came up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders and hugged me.


cliff hanger sorry if there are any spelling mistakes


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