The fight between students and teacher

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I'm gonna say before hand that if I suddenly change point of views it's cause I wrote this when I always sleep deprived and studying for exams hehehehe *sweat drops*

I grabbed Sasuke's shoulder and teleported to team 7's training ground,

"Sasuke-kun!" Came the screeching voice of one Sakura Haruno, Naruto let go of Sasuke and stepped up beside him, just then Kakashi appeared,

"Alright for real this time, today your going to fight me to get the bells off of me with the intent to kill, go" he waved his hand down and all three disappeared, Kakashi stood in the middle of the field and pulled out his book, giggling pervertedly,

While Kakashi did that Naruto and Sasuke met up, they could easily find Sakura,

"Hey Sakura do you got a plan?" Naruto asked, Sakura shook her head, "Kay so you have Baa-chan's strength and your good at Genjutsu, correct?" She asked Sakura nodded her head,

"I also have my medical jutsu" Naruto nodded, turning to Sasuke,

"We got your fire jutsu and your good at taijutsu, and I'm good at Fūton jutsu which will work against Kakashi-sensei's lightening jutsu, it will also make Sasukes fire jutsu stronger, so here's the plan, Sakura you will distract Sensei with taijutsu or Genjutsu, then you get out of the way, while he is distracted me and Sasuke use a combination attack, Sakura  you will then grab the bells if he decides to dodge, sound good, if that plan doesn't work well then I have one last one" both nodded and Sakura jumped out into the field,

"SHARA'NO!" Sakura yelled as she punched the ground, Sasuke and Naruto's hands flashed through hand seals,

"Katon: fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke yelled blowing out a huge ball of fire

"Fūton: raging wind current!" Naruto called out spinning in a circle releasing a strong current of wind behind the fireball, making it grow bigger and move faster,

Sakura jumped out of the way, Kakashi jumped off to the side, Sakura ran forward she managed to touch the bells before Kakashi hit her away, he landed on the ground, behind him Naruto slapped her hand down on his back, she disappeared in a flash of yellow,

Kakashi's eyes widened, she had marked him with the Hirashin mark, he looked around but he couldn't feel or see any of his students presences, he then saw Naruto walk out of the tree line,

"Hey Kakashi-sensei, wanna know how the book ends?" She asked sweetly, Kakashi started sweating, no no he can't hear what happens, he then proceeded to close his eyes and cover his ears, while he did that Naruto flashed to his side and grabbed the bells,

Sakura and Sasuke came out, she gave each of them the bell, Kakashi opened his eyes to see his students standing in front of him two with bells in their hands, he sighed,

"You guys win" he said dejectedly, Naruto laughed giving a high five to Sasuke then Sakura, before Sakura could leave, Naruto stopped her,

"Hey Sakura?" She said quietly, Sakura stopped and looked behind her to see Naruto scratching her head awkwardly,

"Yes Naruto?" She questioned, Sakura had gone home yesterday and thought about the way She was acting, She was no longer gonna be the fan girl, she was gonna work along side her team mates she wanted to get along with Naruto because she was the only other girl on her team,

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