18. Muffin boy crashed my sleepover?

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This chapter is the longest chapter I have written: over 3500 words hehe!

Please for my silent readers, comment and vote. I am not sure if you are enjoying the story so please let me know before I feel like giving up🙁👌


Before you sink in this chapter who do you think muffin boy is? ;)

Blake P.O.V:

After Victoria's announcement I have decided to go and change into my blue sweatpants and grey shirt which were my favourite because they are really comfortable but I didn't wear any shoes therefore I walked around the house bare foot looking for the room Victoria mentioned, before I changed I entered Victoria's bedroom just to find Harvey laying on his bed sound asleep. I woke him and told him everything that happened leaving out the parts where me and Victoria had our special moments, he stated that he will be joining the sleepover later tonight when he feels like moving I shrugged him off without arguing further then I already did and that when I decided to go and search for the room, I was lost for 5 minutes until I heard a loud racket of sounds that would only be made by immature teenagers and that was probably my cue of action. I walked closely placing my ear on the white cold surface of the door just to hear comments that was probably unneeded.

"Where is Blake? I thought he's coming" a familiar sweet sound came from a certain brunette I know. Just her saying my name got me feeling all sorts of things that were still unknown to me however happiness was a major key in my feelings. She wasn't like other girls I have met she's different well to me at least, if Cameron suddenly developed a superpower of reading minds I would be dead by now. I think I should stay more out here to hear more of their sayings. I dropped down on the floor and leaned on the door.

"Why? Do you want him here really badly?" I know who is trying to embarrass her, now I have a Hunter to cut later. Part of me want to hear her reply to hunter's unnecessary remark, who knows. The whole room inside went 'ohhh' I silently chuckled I wouldn't want to be in her position at the moment.

"Is there something you would like to tell us Vicki" a sound of a girl pronounced, it's probably one of her friends that I saw earlier. They gave me a fright but what got me wondering was her friends recognising us while Tori didn't.

"Uhh what? What do y-you mean? I-I just asked nothing m-more" she stuttered really badly, I know she's nervous yet I won't blame her Hunter got her tangled between his webs. I can't see her but I know at the bottom of my heart she's blushing it's just the kind of thing Victoria is likely to do in situations awkward as these.

"Guys I need water" was that Joey? He's random at times, Joey doesn't like awkward situations which is why he always finds away to break them.

"Huh? Wait I will go get it for you" Victoria quickly offered, I know she only said that to get out of having asked about me. I grinned widely suddenly I felt like the whole world was falling, I shrieked like a girl and closed my eyes to feel the impact to only be met by a soft material. Soft? Why is it soft? Woah did I die and did I fall on a cloud what if-

"Blake?" Goddess Victoria, her voice is so soothing even when I am not alive I have feelings towards her which means it's meant to be or nah...

"Blake open your eyes" and there it is again, I slowly opened my eyes that were tightly shut, a circle of figures were crowded around me as they look down with faces that show that they were trying not so hard to hold in their laughter because the next moment the hall way and the room were filled with undying laughter, I furrowed my eyes and pouted which made them laugh harder. I scanned everyone's faces until I locked eyes with one of them.

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