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•AJ Lee's POV•

Me and Paige were practicing our scripts for Smackdown on the couch. When I was reading practicing my scripts I began being sleepy... I got my phone out and checked the time.

Paige: What?
Me: It's 10:47pm!
Paige: Shit, let's go to bed. We have to be at the arena at 7:30.
Me: Ok, night!
Paige: Night!

We both went to our rooms. I laid on my bed for a few minutes and slowly fell asleep.

~Skip till morning~

Paige's POV•

It was morning, I went to go check on AJ in her room, she was still sleeping. I had to wake her up so I shook her.

Me: AJ!
She was still sleeping.
Me: AJ!!!
She was still asleep.. I decided to push her off the bed.
AJ: Huh? Wha-
Me: We have to go, NOW!
AJ: What time is it?
I got out my phone, it was 6:40am.
Me: 6:40am, hurry up and get ready in 10 minutes because we have to get to the arena at 7:30am.
AJ: Ok ok!

AJ went to the bathroom and got ready. She came 7 minted later and told her to get her stuff. We rushed out of the hotel and went to go into my car. We put our stuff in my car and went to the arena. It was pretty silent in the car because AJ was still sleepy. When we got to the arena we got out of my and went to the divas locker room. We spotted all the divas getting their clothes and going to their private locker room to change. We then saw Kaitlyn, mine and AJs best friend.

AJ Lee's POV•

Well, Paige pushed me off the bed to wake up. Smackdown wasn't until 2 days so I really don't get why we had to get up early. We went to the divas locker room and saw all the divas getting their clothes and going to their private locker room. Paige and I, of course, shared a private locker room but we preferred hanging out in the divas locker room because we can talk to the other divas. We saw Kaitlyn and went to go say hi to her.

Me: Kaity!!
Paige: Kaitlyn!
Kaitlyn: AJ! Paige!
Paige and I ran and hugged Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn: What are you two doing here?
Paige: Train and work out! Duh!
Kaitlyn: Nice! Can I go train and work out with you guys?
Me: Sure!
Brie and Nikki walk in. I turn to them and wave my hand.
Me: Hey Brie, hey Nikki.
Nikki: Hey.
Brie: Hey.
Paige: What are you two going to do today?
Nikki: Nothing much. Brie and I have to go to a signing today at 9am-1pm..
Kaitlyn: Wow..
Brie: Will be tough but I think our hands can handle it she chuckles
Nikki: Anyways, do all of you want to grab something to eat at 3pm?
Me: Sure!
Paige: Where?
Brie: At steak place down the street.
Kaitlyn: Aren't you a vegan, Brie?
Brie: No, I just don't eat factory meat.
Kaitlyn: Oh..
Nikki: She eats free ranged meat.
Paige: Yea but how do you know the steak there is free ranged?
Me: Yea..
Brie: Well... Let's just go at Starbucks ok?
Me: Ok.
Paige: Ok, meet you guys their at 3!
Nikki: Ok, cya!
Me: Bye!
Kaitlyn: Bye!
Brie: Bye!
The Bella's leave the locker room.
Me: Alright, let's go to the gym then let's train.
Paige: Sounds good!
Kaitlyn: Ok!
Paige, Kaitlyn and I went to go to the gym but I suddenly run into Dean Ambrose.
Dean: Watch it shorty!
Me: What did you call me?
Dean: I called you shorty, is their a problem?
I start staring at him my crazy eyes.. I start to run at him until Paige and Kaitlyn grab me.
Dean: Chuckles See you on Smackdown shorty. As well as you gothic.
He walks away.
Me: Oh it's on. I mumble
Paige: Relax AJ.
Kaitlyn and Paige let me go.
Kaitlyn: Yea, relax..
Me: Fine. Let's just go work out.

Paige, Kaitlyn and I went to the gym and worked out for an hour. It was now 8:45am.

Me: It's 8:45, let's go train now.
Kaitlyn: Ok! She says as she gets off the treadmill. Paige also gets off the treadmill. We still stay in our work out clothes and go to the training room. We all trained for 2 hours, took 4 breaks. We went to go find the Bella's to hang out but we couldn't find them so instead we went to find our partners to practice our lines. Kaitlyn had to go talk to Stephanie for her return in the ring. I went to go find Dean to practice my lines with. I see him talking to Roman so I go up to him. I tap his shoulders. Roman looks at me and says bye to Dean. Dean turn around.

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