A voice draws me back to reality. "Emma?"
I turn around. "Greg?" I run into his arms, the distinct smell of him making my heart soar. "Okay?" He looks into my eyes. I love his sweet blue eyes.
I giggle. "You're only saying that because you know I love that movie. Should I call you Augustus Waters, now?"
His eyes run over my face. I know I must look ugly. My mascara and eyeliner are running, my eyes are bloodshot, my nose is probably running. My lip is bleeding from me biting it too hard.
"Are you sure you're alright? Why did you get called out of school?" He looks genuinely concerned.
I shake my head. "I don't want to talk about it right now. I really don't have the energy to."
He nods. Nearby, a car backfires. This is common in the city. But this clicks something into place for me. I start breathing heavily, sinking into Greg's jacket. I start looking around frantically. Are they coming? Will they shoot me again?
Greg wraps an arm around me. "It's okay. You're safe with me."
I purse my lips, sending blood down my tongue. "I just can't get past it. All is see when I hear that noise is them. It's like I'm back in the stall.
Last year, our school was broken into. We were put into lockdown. I was in the bathroom at the time. I tried to stay calm, but I was legit freaking out. There were three of them. One of the had a gun, and was pointing it under the stalls if they heard a noise. I gasped when they got to mine. The gun worked its way under the door, and I was shot in the leg. My scream brought the police into the bathroom. They arrested them, and I was taken to the ER. The pain from the wound isn't what hurts. It's the memory. Every time we have a lockdown drill, I shut down.A part of me died that day, and I was never quite able to get it back.
We end up at Greg's place once I've calmed down. His adoptive mother is almost never home, due to work, so we have the place to ourselves. He makes me tea as I get comfortable on the couch.
"So," He says, setting down the tea. "Are you ready to tell me what happened?"
I swallow. "My grandfather died, is all." I don't meet his eyes.
He starts to put an arm around me.
"Don't," I say. I don't know this Greg today. It is a softer side of him. I like it.
We rest our heads on the same cushion. He looks tired. "So," He repeats.
He leans in. I lean in. Our lips almost meet, but at that instant, the door swings open. It's his mother. I spring up.
"I should probably go." I clear my throat.
Greg gives me his two finger salute, and I am off to Mom's empty apartment.Sorry! This was just a filler chapter! Next chapter, things get real. With Ross and Rachel!!