Chapter 2 Movie night

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A/N: My next update will be after Christmas.


I went back to my room and started unpacking again. I'm so sick of boxes everywhere! I unpacked all of my clothes, and some other things. But then I got tired of unpacking again, and gave up. I watched TV for a while, but quickly got tired of that too. I'm really inpatient. I got restless, so I put on some music and stated singing and dancing around in my room. I heard the music downstairs come on, and it almost blocked my music. I gave up listening to music, so headed back out again.  "Where are you going, honey?" I heard my mum yell after me as I passed the living room. She only calls me honey when she's drunk. "Out!" I yelled back. "Where out?" he answered and stepped into the hallway with her glass of red wine in her hand. "Outside!" I said without even looking at her, while putting my shoes on. "Oh, wait for me. I'll come with you" she said and grabbed her boots. I pulled them out of her hand and tossed them as far as I could away from her. "No fucking way!" I said, walked out and slammed the door behind me. Actually this was a good day. There's been three days since I talked to my mum as much as I'd done today.

I saw her standing in the window looking at me as I left. I felt so bad. It was breaking my heart treating her like this, but I have a hope she'll understand that I don't want to have anything to do with her when she's drunk. Maybe she'll try to approach me when she's sober, if she just gets the fact that her drinking is not okay. I headed to the playground and sat down on the swings like yesterday. I couldn't get the picture of my mum standing in the window looking heartbroken out of my head. I tried wiping away the tears before they could even reach my chin, but I failed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I recognized the voice at once. "No, not really" I said, and Riker sat down on the swing next to me again. It's was just as dark as yesterday, so I could still not really see what he looked like.  We sat there for a long time. Maybe an hour or so. None of us said a word, but we were still enjoying each other's company. "Wait here" he said, got up and disappeared into the darkness behind me.

After a short while, he was suddenly standing next to me again. He grabbed my hand and said "Come!" It looked like he had brought some kind of bag with him. "God, you're like a ninja" I said and followed him. He guided me over to the play set. He opened the bag and pulled out a blanket that he placed on the ground. "Sit!" he said and pointed at the blanket in front of us. I sat down and leaned on one of the climbing walls on the play set. He sat down next to me and started digging in his bag again. Then he pulled out two boxes. "Chocolate fudge or cookie dough?" he asked. I quickly understood that he was holding two boxes of ice-cream. "Cookie dough!" I almost screamed and tried stealing the ice-cream from him. He laughed and handed me the box and a spoon. "I think ice-cream is the best cure to sadness." he said while we were eating. "Who told you?" I asked him. "I watch a lot of movies." He said and we laughed.

We talked a lot that night. He made me feel better. Or... it might have been the ice-cream, of course! But he was the one who brought me the ice-cream, so I like to think it was him anyway. It's something about him that makes me feel safe. He's a really good listener, and I haven't had anyone to talk to for a while. It was really easy to talk to him, even though I don't really know him at all. At around two o'clock at night, we went home again. I was really tired and went straight to bed.

The next day I stayed home all day. I had finished unpacking all my boxes and was rewarding myself by watching my favorite movie. I had watched half the movie when I phone buzzed. It was that Ross guy from yesterday.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Watching a movie. Zup?" I mostly answered because I was bored. And some part of me found him strangely fascinating... or maybe just handsome. I don't really know.

"Not much. What movie?"

"Green street hooligans"

"Never seen it. Is it good?"

"My favorite! Watch it!"

"Only if we watch it together ;) or that might not be such a good idea. We would probably miss the whole movie, if you know what I mean ;)"

Jeez, I've met him once and he's already trying to hook me? Still, I caught myself smiling without knowing why.

"Wow! How old are you anyway?" I asked to change the subject.

"Does it matter? How old are you?"

"19. It does matter to me! If you're minor I have to ask your parents to have "the talk" with you before I let you send me dirty sms ;) "

"Haha, I'm 19 too if it really matters that much. I don't need "the talk". I learn better from experience ;)"

"You have a lot of experience? ;)" as soon as I sent the message I regretted it. I don't even know this guy! What am I doing?

"Years! Want me to prove it? ;)"

Again I caught myself smiling. He doesn't seem like he's up for a relationship. Sex is just sex, right? And it's been a while since my last time... What? No! Why am I even thinking about this?

"haha, I don't even know you" Phew! I can't get this easily carried away.

"We could always do something about that ;)"

I smiled again, but decided not to answer.

I watched the rest of the movie and decided to go to the café again. Maybe I could look around too. I've never really been anywhere else than the café and the neighborhood. So I went back downstairs and straight to the door. I could see my mum lay on the couch watching TV. I put my shoes on and opened the door. She didn't say a word, which means she's sober at the moment. Lucas is probably not home with the whine yet.

I went to the café and bought another milkshake. I started walking around in the aria.  I came across a supermarket, a cinema, a couple of restaurants, some parlors and similar other small stores. I also came across a small mall. I never really liked shopping so I started walking back. I passed the brown haired guy who I'd seen with Ross earlier. He was with some other blonde guy, but this guy was taller than Ross. Something about him seemed familiar, but I've probably just passed him on the street before.

I came home and took my shoes of. The music was playing so loud in the living room that no one heard me come home. I went straight up to my room and turned the lights on. My phone buzzed right away. It was Ross again.

"Are you home?"


"Are you busy?"

"No. Why?"

He didn't reply, but ten minutes later the doorbell rang. "Oh no, he didn't!" I thought to myself while running downstairs to open the door. No one downstairs heard the doorbell. "Not such a dumb idea to have the doorbell-speaker on top of the stairs after all" I mumbled to myself and thought back on the argument we had about my suggestion to hang it there so we could hear the doorbell upstairs as well. I opened the door, and just like I thought: Ross was standing there with a bag of popcorn and an evil smirk. "What are you doing here?" I asked loudly to drown the music. "I thought we could watch that movie we talked about" he said and held up the bag of popcorn. "Like I said; I don't even know you!" I said and tried to seem rejecting, but it was hard to seem rejecting when a hot guy is standing in your door begging to come in. "I know! This is my way of getting to know you better. If we never hang out, how will we get to know each other" he said while raising his shoulders. "It's a bit too early for movie nights, don't you think?" I asked again. "No, I don't think so!" he replied with a very convincing smile, and before I could make up another excuse he was already inside. I closed the door and we both walked upstairs.

"Wow! Your parents play really loud music" he said as we entered my bedroom. "Yes, they do. Every freaking day!" I replied and rolled my eyes. "Well... let's play movie!" he said with a satisfied and flirty expression on his face, and made himself comfortable on my bed. I tuned on the TV and DVD player, turned off the lights, sat down next to him and pressed play.


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