Chapter 8 Setting traps

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Hey, guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but my computer crashed and I had to reinstall everything all over again. But I finished a New Chapter for you in under 24 hours. I hope you like it :)


God, I hate this couch! It's so freaking uncomfortable. My back hurts already and I've been sitting up straight for only fifteen minutes. I began to twist and turn, trying to find a comfortable way to sit, but it was hopeless. This couch is just made for lying down, I guess. "You can just lie down if you want to" Riker said, and judging from the expression on his face I'm guessing he has been watching me wiggle around for a while. "I don't think the couch in big enough" I replied. "If you just rest your head in my lap I think it will work fine" he said, but with his eyes glued to the TV. He suddenly looked really nervous, like he'd just asked me to marry him or something. He looked terrified. "Well, if you don't mind it...?" I asked. "No, I don't mind" he replied with no change in his expression.

"Thanks" I said and lay down with my head in his lap like he suggested. He seemed a little calmer now, but still nervous. I kept watching the movie and Riker started to casually play with my hair. I took a quick glance up at him and realized he was smiling. My head started to analyze again. Why did he react like that when he offered to let me rest my head in his lap? And why is he smiling? We watch the same movie, and it wasn't really anything funny there right now? I took another glance at him. He's still smiling so it can't be the movie. It wasn't and obvious smile like he just got some good news, it was one of those smiles you get when you cuddle up in a blanket with a cup of hot cocoa at night to watch your favorite movie or something. One of those "I-could-die-happy-right-now" kinds of smiles.

I completely zoned out from the movie. Did he get nervous because he didn't really mean to ask, or because he was afraid to ask? Was he hoping I would say no, or that I would say yes? Would he be smiling if he didn't mean to ask or if he hoped I would say no? That doesn't make any sense... he must be enjoying this. Or maybe he too just zoned out and he's thinking about something different that makes him smile?

OKAY, THAT'S ENOUGH! I NEED ANSWERS! From now on, I'm gonna stop analyzing every single thing that's going on around me and stick to the cold hard facts! Since I really can't ask him straight out if he likes me, I have to give him chances and see if he takes them! I have to set traps for him! Lead up to moments and see his reaction. It's starting now! This is a perfect night to start. Home alone, movies in the dark, cuddled up on the couch... Yes, this is perfect!

I turned from my side and over on my back. I was now looking straight up on him. His body stiffened up a bit, but he kept watching the screen. He tried to hide his smile, but I could see he struggled to hold it back. I sat back up and leaned my head on his shoulder instead. "I almost fell asleep" I used as an excuse. This is an opportunity for him to lean his head on mine! Waiting...waiting....waiting...Bingo! About thirty seconds later he rested his cheek on the top of my head. My plan worked! He fell right into the trap! But am I supposed to assume he likes me based on just the fact that he rested his head on mine?

No! No, I need more evidence. I have to be sure, or else I would just start analyzing again. I have the perfect plan!

I pulled my head back for his shoulder. Riker did the same as he no longer had anything to rest his head on. I turned my head and looked straight at him. He noticed. He was looking back. We stared right into each other's eyes. I took a quick glance at his lips and looked straight back to his eyes. He copied me. This is the moment! Just like in the movies! This is it! He started to lean in. Slowly...

My original plan was to hold back and let him do all the moves, just too really get the answer to if he likes me or not. But I started to lean in as well. I felt the tingling in my belly spread out through my entire body. For every inch our faces moved I could feel the tingling go wilder. This moment is perfect! Suddenly it wasn't about finding out about how I feel, or how he feels. It was just about this moment being perfect. Our first kiss is going to be perfect. His lips were just inches from mine now. I could feel his breath on my face, and there was nothing I wanted more in this moment than to feel his lips on mine.

Counting stars (A Riker Lynch and Ross Lynch fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now