Chapter 7 A strangers face

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"Riker?" "Becca?" We said each others names at the same time. I can't believe this is the guy I've been spending so much time with. This is the guy I've opened up to. This is the guy I've been having so much fun with. This is the guy that I see as my best friend at the moment. This is the guy I've been spending every single night with since I moved here, and he's Ross's big brother. He just heard me have sex with his little brother. This is just... just insane.

"You two know each other?" Ross was giving us a confused look. "Sort off." Riker answered still looking at me dumbfounded, and so was I. I didn't know what to say.  "Well, this is getting a bit awkward" Ross said, so I guess we had been standing there for a while. "Should we go?" he said and walked over to me. "Yeah" I replied and snapped out of the "staring contest" with Riker. 

It felt really wrong to just leave, but suddenly it felt like I didn't know Riker at all. He didn't look the way I pictured him at all, and it was like... like when you meet someone you've been chatting with on the internet for ages and they doesn't look like their pictures at all. Hearing Riker's name use to make me feel happy in a way... and safe. But suddenly putting a stranger's face to his name was so surreal. I felt like I didn't know him enough to give him a hug and start talking about my day, but I still felt bad for just walking away like that. He is my best friend, after all. And the fact that he's Ross's big brother just made this, whatever it is, really complicated.

"How do you know Riker?" Ross asked as soon as we closed the door behind us. I didn't know what to say. It might be a reason why Riker hadn't told him about me already, so I decided I had to make something up. " met at the...the café once. He accidentally spilled his coffee on me and we talked a bit. It's not like I know him" I said. The café was one of the few places I knew about in this town, so that was the best I could come up with. I just have to remember to text Riker later and fill him in, in case this ever gets brought back up with him around.

"Oh, Okay. You hungry?" he asked and seemed like he had forgotten the whole "Riker situation" already. Thank God for that! "Yeah, starving!" I smiled. We got to the café and ordered food. We ate, talked and laughed. I actually had a great time. Ross is funny, handsome and charming. He's a really great guy. And he's easy to talk to about anything. He's bursting with confidence and that makes him even more attractive. And, of course, he's great in bed, and that actually have something to say at my age. I could really see myself falling for him, but there was still something that was holding me back. I didn't know what it was, but there was still something telling me that I shouldn't take a chance on him.

As we walked out of the restaurant he took my hand. "What are you doing?" I asked without pulling my hand back. "What? Tell me you don't like it." He smirked. "But why? I thought you said we were just fooling around" I said unaffected by his smirk. "Yeah, I know" he said and took a break to think over what to say next. "I take it back, Okay? I'm really starting to like you!" he said and the smirked had changed into a nervous smile. "Oh." was all I could reply. I don't know how to react to this. I need to figure out what that little thing that is holding me back is. "You don't like me in that way at all, do you?" Ross suddenly asked. He must have interpreted my silence all wrong, and I never said I liked him back. I don't really think "Oh" is the reply you're hoping for when you tell someone you like them. "Yeah, I do! I really do! I just... it might be a bit early, don't you think?" I said and tried to put on the best smile I could. "Maybe. So you don't think it's worth taking a chance on?" he asked back. "I don't know yet. Let's just take things as they come, Okay?" I suggested and he smiled again. "Yeah, that could work." He replied and he looked satisfied with the conclusion.

"I will do my best to hurry the process though" he said and the all known smirk was back. "I'm sure you will." I answered with a sight and a chuckle. We had already reached my doorstep. "You could come back to my place if you want, but the rest of my family is probably home now." Ross said. "Maybe some other time. I have a lot to do and you have big family so I don't think I have time" I answered and we both laughed. "How did you know?" Ross suddenly stopped laughing and looked at me with a suspicious face. SHIT! Riker told me that! "Well... Large house... a lot of bedrooms... family pictures...I just added them together and took a wild guess" I said and started fumbling for my key. "Of course" he said, but he still had the suspicious face. And I finally found my key. "I better get inside, but I guess I'll see you around. In the windows and bushes and stuff, since your hobby is to spy on me" I joked and hoped it would be a diversion.

"Oh, you will!" he said and gave me the smirk. It worked! "Okay, bye" I said, unlocked and opened the door. But Ross grabbed my wrist and pulled me back out. He planted his lips on mine and didn't let go. It was like a warm energy was flowing from his lips to mine and spreading across my whole body. Irresistible as he is, I kissed back. A few hours ago we agreed to not letting anyone know about us, and now were making out on my doorstep. But it is impossible to say no to this guy. He knows what he wants and he goes for it. It's like he knows how I see him. He pulled back and looked me straight in the eye. "I will see you tomorrow!" he said dead serious. He gave me another quick peck on the lips and smiled again. "Bye" he winked and headed to my back yard, using his shortcut to get home. I was standing frozen on my doorstep for a couple of minutes, taking it all in.

When I got inside I crashed down on the couch, turned on the TV and fell asleep. I was exhausted from the action earlier, the confusion of emotions on the way home and I always get sleepy when I've eaten.

Something woke me up a few hours later. I didn't know what, but I just knew something had waked me up. I grabbed my phone from my pocked, but it was dead. I got up to charge it, but was interrupted by the doorbell. Maybe that's what had woken me up. I went to answer the door, and on my doorstep stood a very embarrassed Riker. He was blushing, looking at his feet and holding one arm on his back. I was surprisingly happy to see him. I guess the whole "putting a stranger's face to my best friend's personality" thing had sunken in through the day. "I don't mean to be pushy or something but you didn't answer my texts and I waited for you at the playground but you didn't show up, and I tried calling you but I guess your phone was off or something so I should have taken the hint if you didn't want to see me but I just got a bit worried, and we usually meet every night so I..." the words was pouring out of him and he was still staring at his feet. "Hey, it's okay. I fell asleep and my phone died. Come in!" I interrupted him with a chuckle.

I looked up at me and blushed. I stepped aside and made a gesture for him to enter. "Thanks." He almost whispered and came in. "You got the power back" he said as we sat down on the couch. "Yeah, it was back when I woke up the next day". It was getting a bit awkward, trying to ignore the elephant in the room. But finally: "So... you and Ross?" he said and raised an eyebrow. "It sort of just happened..." I said a bit insecure about how he was going to react. "How did you meet?" he asked. "I met him at the café and he has stalked me ever since, not taking no for an answer. So I gave up" "are you like... together?" "No! Or... I don't know. He told me he liked me today, but I don't know" I said. This time it was me who was looking at my feet.

Riker didn't say anything. "We both agreed that we were only fooling around, but then he grabbed my hand on the way home and told me he like me. I just think it's a bit early. I am attracted to him of course, but I still don't know if it's worth taking a chance on" I continued, still looking at my feet. "Did you answer him? What did you say?" Riker asked. "I said we should take thing as they come. And he agreed." I answered at finally had the guts to look up at him. "Well... if you are meant to be it will work itself out. You never know what will happen. Maybe he fill find someone else... or maybe you will" he said, but there was something in his eyes that seemed like meant something more than just what he said. Maybe it was a hint. Maybe he was trying to get me to understand that he wanted me to end up with him.

No, now I'm just over-analyzing things again. I got to stop doing this. "Yeah, I guess so. You wanna watch a movie with me?" I asked him to distract us both from Ross and too much thinking. "Yeah, sure." He said. "What are you in the mood for?" I said and opened the door to the bench under the TV. That's where we keep our DVDs. "I'm thinking... romantic comedy?" he asked and raised his shoulders. "Great, how about "The perfect catch"?" I held the cover up for him to see. "Sounds fine!" he said and got more comfortable on the couch. I placed the disc in the DVD player and sat down next to him. "Play movie" I said dramatically as I pressed play.


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