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Inside the Morgan mansion was where they went next. Specifically, Victor's room.

Victor stood in front of his full length mirror, adjusting his black bow tie.

The sweet smell of weed assaulted Owen's nose, immediately giving him a headache. "He smokes marijuana?" He was incredulous. Victor?

She nodded. "And drinks some as well."

Owen's eyes went wide and he strode closer to Victor, wanting to shake some sense in him. He stopped in his tracks when he saw his face.

The aristocratic and vibrant young man he knew was gone. In his place was a pale, sweaty....mess. His hair was a disaster Gabe would have a fit about. Dark smudges were around his sunken and dead eyes.

His hands shook while he finished dressing.

"What's happened to him?" Owen demanded.

"Depression, stress, fame." She looked at Victor sadly. "His father pushes him until he breaks, then pushes more. It's all he's considered good for. He's been performing non stop for years, in demand for every party.....he can't take much more. Soon he'll turn to stronger drugs."

Owen ran his hands over his face. "Sh*t."

She nodded in agreement and wrapped her hand around his. "Let's find Luke."

It's a Wonderful Life by KatyfanficsWhere stories live. Discover now