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Silas and Greece flickered away, leaving him surrounded by the cold night next to the park bench where it all started. Owen cleared his throat, preparing himself for whatever state he'd find Gabriel in.

The angel smiled sadly, "That's it. There isn't anymore to see."

His brows knitted together in confusion. "You haven't shown me Gabriel Coleman."

A silvery tear escaped from the corner of her eye. "He's gone Owen," she replied softly.

"What are you saying? Explain," he demanded. The edge in his voice wasn't directed with malice, it was coated with fear.

"He took his life three months ago."

Owen was too numb to speak. Icy fingers gripped and squeezed his heart. He couldn't imagine a world without Gabe, without any of them.

Her heart broke for him, for Gabe. She'd done the same herself, almost fifteen years ago now. "Luke, Victor, Kota, Nathan....they'd done what they could to help, but they're broken boys too," she said. "They didn't realize things were at that point. Losing him, they've now lost even more of themselves."

His throat and eyes burned with unshed tears. This explained the severe depression the four of them carried. The world blurred out of focus as tears took over. He hadn't cried since he was a boy when his mother was killed.

He let them fall, not caring that the angel saw; if the whole world saw. His heart was shattered.

She gave him his moment, letting him cry. He'd held his emotions in for so long he needed the release.

Once the tears lessened, she took both his hands in hers. "Owen, don't you see how important you are? How much you've done for the people you love and care about? You've made their lives better! You hold back your emotions and yes, at times demand their best, but you know their potential, what their lives could be like if they reach it and encourage them to do so. You also got each of them the help they needed so their broken homes and lives and could be mended. You gave them a family, a place to belong, security, and hope."

He sniffed loudly, feeling like a school boy, taking in her words.

She reached up, wiping away his tears. "You're not perfect Owen Blackbourne, you never will be. But you're important and loved. Never forget that." Her own eyes burned as she wished someone had once told her the same and truly meant it, long ago.

Owen wasn't one for flowery sentiments. "Thank you," he finally said. It was simple, only two words, but behind it she knew there was enough thought and feeling to fill a library of books.

"You're welcome," she beamed. "Now. Go. You have a party with your family to attend. They've been waiting for you."

He swallowed thickly, thinking of his family, grateful they were his and he was in their lives. A large and rare smile lit across his face for the wingless angel that did more for him than she'd ever know. Even if she was in his head.

Carrying his smile in her heart, she slowly vanished from his sight.

It's a Wonderful Life by KatyfanficsWhere stories live. Discover now