"This is your new beginning"

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I was frozen, stuck in one place, this dude was a real life zombie and he was attacking some guy. Blood there was blood everywhere, I hear nothing but screams and see people recording it I quickly snap too my senses and drop everything, me and my cousins make a run outside. They're everywhere, the harder I look the more I see we quickly run to the car, I quickly whip out the car and head to the house. And when I mean I head to the house I mean I'm flying down the street like a bat.
"Vicky Why were those people acting like that like why were they eating eachother" my little cousin asks
"I don't know shonna" I return trying to collect my thoughts trying to figure out what I'm going to do how we're going to protect ourself's. We finally arrive to the house, the front door was open, I slowly walk in aware that anything could pop out I see in the living room it's one of those things, but he's dead cold on the floor with a knife through his head
"Victoria" i hear, i quickly jolt my head to the direction of the sound of my name... it was my auntie covered in blood
"Auntie are you hurt?" I ask worryingly
"Yes baby I am" she answers
" but your uncle is not" she adds with glossy eyes like her whole world is falling apart. I walked into their room. That thing bit him in the chest, he looks so weak and helpless he looked at me with his hand out, I took my hand out and collected whatever he in my hand, it was a necklace.
"Uncle this is grandmas necklace, why are you giving it to me" I ask
"There will come a time in life when you start over and make a family of your own, this is your new beginning but don't forget what happened before all of this, who your family was" I smile at his words speechless knowing I'm going to miss moments like this I slowly walk out of the room. I scavenge any weapons that was in the house, I found a shot gun I'm gonna save it only for emergencies.
"What are we going to do about food" my 17 year old cousin ask
"Well savor any food that we can so that we don't have to go out and find some" I answer
"Why" shonna asks
"It's too dangerous to go out we don't need anybody else hurt around here" I say.
No walkers have really came around the house and messed with us but I seen people like actually living human beings running around scavenging, scrambling around. A couple of hours has passed by and I heard these voices it sounded like men it was 4 of them 2 white guys an Asian guy and a black guy, one of them must have noticed me through the window caused they looked this way, they started walking towards the house I quickly held up my shot gun behind the door and was ready for anything.

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