Chapter 10

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"Wait. You really quit ?" Flynn asks walking towards me, his hands out in front of him. He doesn't seem surprised by the fact that our parents are dating.

"Seriously ? This is what you're worried about ?" I ask him, disgust on my face. He raises his eyebrows, and moves his head back slightly starring at me.

"Well, alright dinner is in a few minutes kids. Come join us when you're ready." Flynn's mom says.  

"Thanks mom." At that Flynn grabs my hand and pulls me away, towards the stairs. "We have to talk." Is all he says. I stumble up the stairs my wrist still grasped in his palm. He takes me to his room and then shuts the door behind him.

Unlike Freddie's room, Flynn's room is clean. Everything in order, bed is made. It even smells very nice. But, it is quite small and for a family of three I wonder how that is possible.

"What do you want to talk about ?" I ask him. I don't hesitate and take a seat on his bed.

"The fact that you quit The Slap Shots, and the fact that our parents are dating."  He takes a seat next to me, blowing out some air and pushing his hair up at the same time.

Looking at him, I realize that if I wasn't with Freddie, if Freddie wasn't the boy that I thought was the best looking, if Freddie didn't exist, Flynn would have been the boy that I would go after.

And now, he's my possible step brother and that freaks me out.

"What first ?" I ask him. I let myself fall backwards onto his bed so that my hair is sprawled about everywhere.

"We can't tell anyone that our parents are dating okay ?" He's twisting his fingers around each other, he seems so nervous.

"Why not ? What difference will it make ?" I ask him, fully curious.

"I just don't want there to be anymore drama, what with you and Hunter and now you and Freddie, and then the whole you quitting the team, and the SHL knowing about you. The last thing we need is for the entire team to know about us being possible siblings. Like honestly. Plus Freddie would probably freak out." He explains, his voice quite shaky. I almost want to hug him. He must feel so weird. His best friends girlfriend is possibly going to be his sister in the near future.

"Yeah okay. Deal. We don't tell anyone." I say, thinking I'll probably tell Hunter and, or Freddie.

"Seriously, Em. No one. Not Hunter, not Xavier, not Matt."

"Why would I tell Matt ?" I ask him, sitting up, resting my elbows behind me, and using them to prop me up.

"I don't know. Point is, you don't tell anyone. Not one person." I lay back down and nod.

"Okay. No one." and as I speak those words I struggle with the fact that I'm hiding such a big secret from Freddie.

Then again, I'm also hiding the fact that Hunter is gay and that Matt is hiding something in my wall.

"Good." Then there's an awkward pause. The silence is unbearable for Flynn obviously, but for me it feels quite natural.

I mean, I've never seen Flynn take over  anything before other then the net. I've never seen him try to defy Freddie and well, it's just weird to see Flynn out of his reserved shell.

Although, I will admit it is kind of nice.

"You know. If our parents get married and we move in together, I don't think it would that be weird to have you as my brother." I say, speaking my thoughts.  That's when he falls on the bed like me and turns his head so that he's looking at my profile.

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