Talk - 04

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🔺Song of the chapter: Talk by Daya🔻
The whole class, I felt eyes burning holes into my back, I knew it was Amy. By the end of the class, everyone one was already talking about Amy's threats and wondering what she was going to do to me. I'm starting to worry about that too, especially since I have one class left until lunch. And that one class is music, the one class I have with Jonah. 

Although Ashley showed me and gave me detailed instructions on how to get to the music classroom, it isn't the same finding it by yourself. After taking about 5 minutes of our 10 minute passing period, I finally found the classroom. When I walked up to the room, Jonah and one of his friends were standing next to the door. Once Jonah saw me he waved and said "Hi Mia, this is my friend" but that was all I heard, because I ignored him and walked into the classroom, taking a seat in the back of the classroom and pulling out my phone. I started scrolling through my Instagram feed once more, only getting about two post in before my beautiful gold iPhone 6s was no longer in my hands.

I looked up and saw Jonah holding my phone giving me a "wtf" look. I just rolled my eyes and tried to grab my phone back. He moved away and said "you're not getting this back until you explain why Daniel just told me I should stay away from you for your own good." I just shake my head and reach for my phone again. By this time Jonah's friend, who I'm guessing is Daniel is stand next to Jonah shaking his head. Before Jonah can say anything about my actions the boy says " Jonah just leave it. Dylan's going to make her senior year hell. Oh and it's nice to meet you Mia, I'm Daniel."
Jonah's eye narrowed and got even greener, if that's even possible. Before he says "Mia, is Dylan bothering you again?" I shake my head and Jonah speaks again "I only just met you, but I know your not this quiet. And I'm guessing your lying. So start talking or you're never getting your phone back."

I nod my head before glancing at Daniel and everyone else in the class before speaking "Ok, but can we go somewhere else to talk, everyone is already talking about me since I'm the new kid and now this isn't helping." Jonah nods his head before walking to the teacher who had only just walked in. After about a minute of talking to the teacher, he returned with two slips of paper. He grabbed his bag and motioned for me to follow him out the door. I copied his actions and followed him out the door. Once we exited the classroom he spoke "So Mr. Smith gave us both off campus slips, but said we have to be back by lunch. So we have an hour. How about we go to Starbucks and you can explain to me what happened." I just nodded before grabbing my car keys and following him to my car. The car ride was short, but silent, the only sound was my radio.

When we got to Starbucks Jonah led me to a table, before asking "What do you want to drink?" I answer with "a grande hot chocolate" as I tried to hand him a five dollar bill. He just shook his head and went to order. Since Jonah still had my phone I was left to think.
Was I really willing to give up the friendship Jonah and I had made quickly over the past 2 days over this Amy girls threats. But then again she has all the boys from Saturday wrapped around her finger and from what Ashley had said about Amy and how she treats people, I really don't want to get in her way. But I also can't get the hug with Jonah from this morning out of my head. I just don't know what to do.

My thoughts were interrupted when Jonah placed my drink in front of me, I mumbled a thank you without making eye contact. I kept my hands and eyes glued to the cup of my warm hot chocolate until Jonah reached out and grabbed one of my hands and said, "please talk to me." I looked up at him quickly ignoring the sparks shooting up my arm and the butterflies in my stomach. The look Jonah was giving me made me want to spill everything thing. I nodded my head, looking back down at my cup and started talking. "I know you've already heard the talk." Jonah reached over and lifted my chin, "I've heard the talk, but I want to hear what you have to say about it."

I nodded my head looking into he's eyes before continuing. " I was sitting in my class that I have without you and Ashley waiting for it to start, when Dylan and this Amy girl came up to me." When I mentioned Amy, Jonah's jaw clenched, I pretended not to notice and continued, " Amy asked me why I was hanging out with her boyfriend and when I gave her a confused look she told me to stay away from you unless I wanted a bad senior year." I paused for a second looking up from our hands, which where still intertwined and Jonah was rubbing circles on the back of mine, to Jonah's face, which encouraged me to go on, but also held a pissed look. "Dylan then explained that Amy was the principals niece and that he would help make my senior year suck, because Saturday was not yet forgotten. This wouldn't bother me so much if Ashley didn't tell me that Amy and Dylan have been bullying her since 8th grade year. And that back in LA I got bullied by people who used to be my best friends. Moving to Minnesota was supposed to be my fresh start, and I'm only 2 days in and it's starting to look like California all over again, the only difference is I don't have my dad running around cheating on my mom." I stopped, realizing what I just said. I looked up at Jonah, he looked like he had no idea what to say. Instead he just walked around the table and hugged me.

When he pulled away, he looked me straight in the eyes, grabbing my hands and said "I know we have only known each other for like two days now, but I don't want this friendship, that just started, to end. They can waste their time on what ever they want to. They will stare and talk so we might as well give them something to talk about." I give him a confused look and he continues, "Mia I think you're really pretty, and honestly I want this to go farther than friends, but like I said before I've only known you for two days. So let's hang out, get to know each other more, build a friendship and see where this goes."

I was shocked when he said this but smiled and nodded back at him before speaking, "Thank you Jonah, for the Starbucks and being here for me, even though we've only known each other for two days. Let's head back to school because it's almost lunch time." Jonah nodded and started walking towards the door. "Oh and Jonah?" He stopped walking and turn to look at me. "Can I get my phone back?" He just laughed and pulled it out of his pocket and waited for me to catch up to him. I skipped over to him and grabbed my phone saying a thank you in the process. By this time we were out the door of Starbucks and on our way to my car.

All of a sudden Jonah wrapped his arms around me and said, "No thank you." I looked up at him and asked, "What for?" He smiled and continued "for not ending our friendship because of Dylan and Amy. Trust me when I say I won't let them bother you, and I know the guys won't either." I hugged him tighter, mumbling another thank you in to his chest, we stayed like that for a few more minutes before Jonah said, "Let's get back to school," before unwrapping me from his arms and getting in my car. I followed his actions, starting the car and starting the short drive back to school.

The ride back to school was nothing like the ride from school, this one was filled with scream singing songs on the radio, talking and getting to know each other a little bit better, and lots of laughs.

When we got back to school everyone was just getting out for lunch. After I parked my car I texted Ashley to meet me in the cafeteria. I then looked at Jonah who was already smiling at me, "You and Ashley are going to eat lunch with us today, and the rest of the school year."
I nodded not really wanting to ask questions.  Jonah then lead me to the cafeteria. Once we walked in it felt like every eye was on us, but one set stood out the most, Amy's. I continued to follow Jonah to a table in the back of the cafeteria, not letting all the eyes on me bother me.  We stopped at a table that Daniel and two other boys were sitting at. Jonah sat down next to Daniel pulling me down on the other side of him. I tried to get back up because I was looking for Ashley but Jonah stopped me and said "don't worry, I already texted Ashley and told her where you were."

Daniel started laughing, and I gave him a 'what the heck look.' Daniel made eye contact with me and stopped laughing before explaining "you two have only know each other for like two days and Jonah already knows you crazy well." The other two boys started laughing too, I turned to Jonah and gave him a confused look. He laughed and said "You've already met Daniel," Daniel waved, while I just laughed. "This is Jack," Jonah said as he pointed to the curly haired boy sitting across from me, "and this is Corbyn." Jonah adjusted his arm so he was now pointing at the boy sitting next to Jack. "we are still waiting for Zach, Christina and Ashley."

When those 3 arrived we spent the rest of lunch laughing and getting to know each other.


word count: 1777

Hey lovelies! Hope everyone had an excellent thanksgiving! Here's this weeks chapter.

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