Road Trippin- 06

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🔻Song of the Chapter: Road Tripping- Dan and Shay🔺
*Jonah's POV*
Ok I just kissed Mia. After she ran up to her room to pack, I slowly got up off the couch, looking at Daniel and Monica. They both looked back at me with wide eyes.

Daniel put his phone away before running to me and saying "I knew you two would kiss this trip, but I didn't think it would happen while we were still in Minnesota! Or in front of her mom." That's when realization hit me I just kissed Mia for the first time, in front of her mom. My eyes went big as I looked over at Monica. She laughed a little before saying "Jonah it's okay, I think you're a great kid, and that you and Mia would be super cute together."

"See Jonah, the guys and I aren't the only ones that think that," Daniel said. My checks started getting hot, before I spoke up, "ok then why did she run away like that?" I sat back on the couch, putting my hands in my head.

I felt the couch dip before I felt Monica's hand on my shoulder and heard her start talking. "Sweetie, that girl absolutely adores you, your're one of the only things she's talked about since she's moved here. Plus she broke her rules of not making any friends, so she must see something in you and Ashely. Making friends the past year has not been easy for her, and I feel that with you she forgets about her past." I lift my head to look at her, she sends me a smile before saying, "Treat my daughter right, and if you don't, I won't hesitate to turn into mama bear." (A/N actually something my mom has said to an ex before.) I smiled at her before replying, "I don't think I'd ever be able to hurt her." She smiled back at me and tried to speak before Mia ran down the stairs, more like fell down the stairs, with her suitcase right behind her.
She stopped herself from falling mumbling an 'I'm ok' before looking up at the three of us who were staring at her. She had a blank look on her face but when her eyes met mine a beautiful smile. Mia just stared at me smiling while I smiled back at her until Daniel spoke up, "Let's go lovebirds, we have to go get the rest of the boys and our luggage."

Mia looks at Daniel, smiled and said, "You're right Danny, let's get on the road to Chicago," before walking to her mom and hugging her.  Saying a quick goodbye and walking out the door to the garage, Daniel and I followed her saying a quick goodbye to Monica. Monica followed us to the garage saying "drive careful Mia, and have a ton of fun, all of you. Oh and Jonah, protect my baby please." I stopped before I got in the car, turned to look at her and said "I won't let anyone hurt her, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she was hurt." She walk gave me a hug before I got in the car and Mia started backing up.

We stopped at Daniel's house first since he lived closest to Mia. Mia and I stayed in the car while he ran in and got his luggage. Mia and I sat in silence for a few minutes until she quietly said, "I can't get that kiss out of my head, it just keeps playing again and again." I starred at her for a few minutes, while she kept her eyes glued to the steering wheel. When I finally got the courage to speak, I said, "Me either." She looked over at me with huge eyes, but a smile on her face. After a few seconds I spoke up, "I know we still haven't known each other for that long, but will you go on a date with me while we're in Chicago?"

She looked at me surprised but nodded her head. I smiled at her before pulling her into a hug. As we pulled away from the hug, our eyes met, and once again we started leaning in, but right before our lips touched, we heard a car door shut. We pulled apart and looked in the backseat at Daniel. He just laughed and said, "Is that the only thing you two are going to do on this trip?" I glared at Daniel, while Mia just laughed, shook her head and started backing up heading to pick up the rest of the boys and the girls.

After stopping at my house, grabbing my stuff and saying a quick goodbye to my family, we were on the road to Chicago. Mia driving, me in the passenger seat, Corbyn, Christina, and Jack in the second row, and Zach, Ashley and Daniel in the 3rd row.

The first two hours of the trip  was spent blasting music, lots of singing/scream-singing, dancing, and talking. We were jamming to Road Trippin (the song in the media) by Dan and Shay, which we found out was one of Mia's favorite songs until Daniel decided to yell, "Jonah turn down the music." I obeyed his request and turned down the music, earning a little whine from Mia before Daniel continued, "So what are we going to do in Chicago, other than the meeting us boys have to attend."
When he said that Mia turned to look at me with a confused face. I realized that in the commotion of finding a car to take we never told her why we're going to Chicago. Corbyn must  have saw the look that Mia gave me and said, "Bro you didn't tell her why we are going to Chicago?" I shook my head and said, "In the mess of trying to find a car I didn't have time." Daniel laughed and said, "Or is it what happened at her house that fogged your head." Mia instantly turned tomato red, which was super cute. Once my mind completely processed what Daniel said, I turned to faced him and said, "DANIEL, that's not something that needed to be said." I then turned to Mia and said, "Us boys have a pretty big following on social media because we all sing, we are going to Chicago to meet with a manager that might want to sign us as a band." She just smiled at me, nodding her head and then focusing back on the road.

I was just about to turn the music back up when Zack yelled, "Wait, what happened at Mia's house?" I felt my cheeks getting hot as soon as he said wait. I glanced at Mia who was as red as a tomato again, trying to hide her face and focus on the road, so no one saw how red she was. "Something must have happened, they are both as red as tomatoes," Jack laughed. Mia continued to try and hide her face, while I just stared at her, she's absolutely adorable.

"Since the two lovebirds aren't going to say anything, I'll tell," Daniel said, laughing a little. "So after school today, Jonah and I asked Mia if she could drive her car, and she said no, but she would ask her mom if we could take this car. As we were walking to her car to head to her house to talk to her mom, she called her mom to see if we could take the car. Her mom told her yes, but after her mom hung up she, made Jonah and I think that we couldn't take the car. When we finally found out that we could take the car, Jonah decided to tickle her to get her back for tricking us. He threw her on the couch and started tickling her, when the realized how close their faces where, they kissed, in front of her Mom and me."

When Daniel finished telling the story, there were a ton of "Damn Jonah" or "Go Jonah," from the boys, and "Mia why didn't you tell us," from the girls. Mia who had just started to turn back to her normal color, started blushing again. "So I'm guessing, while we're in Chicago, Jonah and Mia, would like some alone time," Ashley said laughing again. Mia and I just nodded our heads, as I turned up the music.

The rest of the car ride was spent the same of as the beginning, loud with a lot of singing and dancing. When we got to the hotel, the boys and I were rooming together, while the girls had the room next door. All the rest of the group rushed up to the hotel room with all the luggage, Mia about to follow, until I grabbed her hand and whispered to her, "hang back a second, lets take the stairs."

We took our time walking up the stairs, in silence, just enjoying a little bit of alone time. When we got to the hotel rooms everyone was already in the rooms. Mia stopped in front of her room, and turned and look at me, and said, "Thank you so much Jonah, for everything you've done for me since I've moved to Minnesota and for inviting me on this trip." As she finished she pulled me into a hug. She turned towards the door whispering a "goodnight Jonah" before she started to turn the knob. Right as she was opening the door i grabbed her hand, pulling her to me and smashing my lips against her. The kiss lasted longer than our last. I pulled away and walked towards my room sending a "Goodnight Mia," over my shoulder as I entered my room.


Word count: 1635

hey y'all, sorry so much for the wait. I feel so bad for the wait, I not only had the motivation to do anything that was even remotely close to school, but I also had writers block, But now that i had a chance to step back and relook at this story I'm ready to jump back into this story. 

-Amanda Lawren 

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