Can I Have This Dance- 11

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🔻Can I Have This Dance- High School Musical 3🔺

•Mia POV•

I woke up to Jonah kissing my face. The boys had spent the night, due to us all falling asleep while watching Moana. "Good morning love," Jonah says giving me one last kiss on the check. "Get up get ready, we're going on a sunrise hike." He said getting out of bed and walking out the door of my room. I got out of bed, careful not to step on any of my friends spread around my bedroom floor. I unplug my phone, walking to my closet, almost stepping on Zach's 'precious' hair. I grabbed my outfit walking out of my closet stepping over a cuddling Daniel and Ashley as I walk into the bathroom. I quickly change, throwing my hair up in a cute messy bun, and putting on just a little mascara.

As soon as I finished I walked out of my bathroom and headed out my bedroom door, successfully without tripping over any of my still sleeping friends. I then walked to my mom's bedroom knocking slightly before opening the door. "Hi mama, Jonah and I are going on a hike." She was already ready for the day, sitting on her bed reading. She looked up at me, then at her clock next to her bed, then back to me, a shocked look on her face.

"That boy must be really something if he's got you up and moving before six, I can't even get you moving before seven," she said with a little laugh at the end.

My eyes widen, I didn't realize what time it actually was. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and looked at the time, 5:15 staring back at me as well as a picture of Jonah and I. I just smiled, shook my head, saying, "Yeah he really is Something Different."

She smiled back at me, saying, "Go have fun Mi, I'm glad you're happy here." I smiled back at her, nodding my head as I walked out of her room sending an 'I love you' over my shoulder as I closed the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs, only to see Jonah sitting at the island, eating eggs and drinking coffee. A full plate of eggs and cup of coffee sitting at the place right next to him. I took the seat next to him, kissing his cheek and whispering a 'thank you' against his cheek.

We both are in silence finishing our food fairly quickly, and setting our dishes in the sink before walking out the door. Jonah got in the driver's seat of my car, grabbing my hand as he started my car. The short drive was filled with small talk here and there, and the soft songs on the radio. Jonah turned off the main road, parking the car by the trailhead, and quickly got out of the car. He ran to my side opening the door and grabbing my hand to help me out of the car. He then opened the back door and grabbed a backpack, throwing it on his back. He then quickly grabbed my hand again and pulled me to the trail.


About a mile and a half into the trail we came across an opening with a view of a waterfall. I kept walking down the trail, looking around at the view, with our hands still connected. Jonah stopped pulling me back to him. I crashed into him, my hands landing on his shoulders. He laughed before taking a step back. He then stretched one hand out to me and started singing.

'Take my hand, I'll take the lead'

I grabbed his hand, laughing, "Really high school musical?"  He laughed as he pulled me closer and grabbed my other hand placing it on his shoulder. Then he placed his hand on my waist and started leading us around the opening as we started dancing.

'And every turn we'll be safe with me
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you through it all'

Jonah finished the song as he pulled me closer to him, kissing my forehead before resting his against mine. I heard a slight resettling in the bushes, from the way we came, but couldn't be bothered by it due to what just happened and the boy in front of me. We stayed standing there for a few minutes before Jonah pulled away, but still kept me in his arms. He stared into my eyes for a moment before speaking up.

"So... I know you're not big on school dances, but," he reached into his back pocket and pulled out two tickets. "Can we continue this dance at homecoming?"


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Word count: 860

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