Better With You- 08

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🔻 Song of the Chapter: Better With You- Austin Mahone🔺

(A/N ok so here's a really long chapter, but it also has a lot of Instagram/snapchat post in it. as well as pictures. Let me know if there are any mistakes, because i didn't go through and do any editing whats so ever, and i had a kitten walking across my keyboard any chance she had)

•Mia's POV•

Last nights celebration dinner was crazy. We went to a some what fancy Italian food restaurant, that I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out of. The whole dinner we were singing, dancing, and talking, well more like shouting, in celebration. The boys meeting went super well, the manager decided that he was going to sign the boys, Im so proud of them.

Today is our last full day in Chicago before we drive back home. We were all going to breakfast and going to explore Chicago a little bit more together, before Jonah and I go on our date. Us girls all got outfits yesterday, that matched, that we decided to wear for breakfast and exploring the city today.

 Us girls all got outfits yesterday, that matched, that we decided to wear for breakfast and exploring the city today

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When all three of us were done getting ready, we headed to the lobby where all five of the boys were waiting for us. All the boys were sitting on their phones except for Jonah, he was standing over Daniel looking at something on his phone. Jonah looked up laughing as we were walking out of the elevator. He's eyes almost immediately met mine and he slowly stopped laughing and walked over to me. As soon as he reached me he wrapped his arms around me pulling me in a hug, kissing my forehead in the process.

Christina walked over to Corbyn, Ashley joined the rest of the boys, and Jonah and I stood by the elevators. Jonah and I stood there hugging for a few minutes before I looked up at him resting my chin on his chest. When he felt me move he looked down at me and smiled, instantly making me smile. He stared at me for a few seconds before saying, "You ready for tonight?" I just nodded my smile getting bigger, if that was even possible. His smile widened as he continued, "ok well today I'm driving, it's okay with your mom." I nodded handing him the keys, he mumbled a thank you as his lips met mine. The kiss didn't last long because we were interrupted by Daniel, yet again, yelling "Hey lovebirds, I'm hungry let's go get breakfast." We pulled apart, and started walking towards them as they all stood from their chairs.

Since there was so many of us we decided against taking Uber's, and actually driving my moms car. We all sat in the same places, except Jonah was driving and I was in the passenger seat. I handed Jack the aux cord so he could plug in his phone. Everyone else jammed to the music as I just stared out the window lost in thoughts. My hand were rested on my lap as I thought how I got so luck to have this group of people in my life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt someone's hand grab mine. I looked down see Jonah had started rubbing circles on the back side of my hand while he was driving. I looked over at him and smiled. He kept stealing glances at me while he was driving, while I just starred at the art that is Jonah Marais. He stopped at a stoplight and turned his head to look at me, catching me starring at him. I turned away quickly as my cheeks started to heat up. He laughed and leaned over the center consul, quickly kissing me and then going back to driving like nothing even happened. I was snapped out of the trance I was in when Jack yelled, "You guys are super cute, but Jonah please focus on driving, I'd like to live past this trip." Jonah laughed while nodding his head, while I laughed saying "To be honest, I kinda forgot you guys were in the car." They all either said "aw" or groaned.

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