Reviews - Why you should do them.

20.2K 2K 220

When you read someone's work, be sure to let them know what you thought at the end of the chapter! After all, it takes two seconds and will probably mean the world to them (I know it does for me). This comes with three benefits:

1.) The writer might stop by your profile and discover your books that way.

2.) Other commentors and readers of that story might stop by and check out your work too! If you do an awesomely written review, they might think you are a good writer, or just a fun person all round!

3.) People who see your comment might read and review your book because they are hoping you might use your awesome reviewing skills on theirs!

I guess that means that if you are looking to increase your reads, you should probably comment on books that have a lot of traffic, although that makes it less likely that the author will check your profile out as they probably already have a lot of other reviews and are busy writing. If it is awesome enough though, they might very well do! Bababoey2u, Nereus, WilsonGill and Achilles22 on Wattpad do awesome reviews and I have checked out their stuff :).

Oh yes, don't forget to vote :P

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