Pain, you know nothing yet

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I was in darkness it felt different then I thought it would it felt like there was no gravity around I was just floating endlessly in the black abyss but then it grew brighter and slowly I was on my feet in the cave I could hear people talking from outside I started to walk only to collapse to the ground in pain. I felt like my head was splitting in half my body was burning and everything looked dim I slowly made my way to the entrance to see Kyle and Jesse talking

"Carter your awake finally, hey you don't look so good maybe you should lay back down" Kyle said while stabilizing me I felt the heart beat of Jesse and it was amazing I moved and fell into Jesse's arms. When she caught me she chuckled while brushing her hand through my hair

"don't worry Kyle I will take him back inside, you should go hunt i'll watch him" Jesse said while moving use into the cave Kyle almost immediately shifted and ran off once alone Jesse raised my head and put my mouth to her neck. I couldn't refuse her when she offered her blood to me so I sank my teeth in almost instantly feeling better but I wasn't done the feeling was growing so I crushed my teeth into her neck she let out a gasp and started to struggle, I released only just realizing what I had just done. 

Jesse stared at me with tears starting to form in her eye's, I felt like a monster I had hurt her just when she was trying to help me

"Jesse i'm so sorry, please forgive me?" I asked as I embraced her in my arms she cried with her head in my chest making me feel even more like a monster. It took a little bit but soon she had stopped crying, she slowly pulled my face to hers and kissed me the feeling made my heart skip a beat she smiled clearly hearing it, she slowly raised my shirt and pulled me closer so I could feel our bodies brush I shuddered feeling a spark as we touched. We entangled ourselves into one another, the feeling was amazing and then we lied there in the dark of the cave 

"Jesse I am sorry about earlier" I said hoping she could forgive me, for some reason I actually cared how she felt I didn't know why but I did

"I forgive you carter I always will" she replied as she moved closer to me.

Jesse and I put our clothes on as we heard Kyle returning and just as I stepped into the cool night I saw him and he smiled

"wow man you look much better then you did an hour ago" he said as he approached he then looked at Jesse 

"so what did you do" he asked still sounding calm she smiled and signaled me to follow then took off. I was running at full speed and was only just able to keep up even with her blood she was faster, it was amazing after a mile she stopped and looked at me

"what are we doing here Jesse" I asked as I looked around to see nothing but forest

"it is obvious I need blood and if you don't want me attacking people you need to give me yours" she replied while moving closer, funny if you think about it from letting them feed for the ecstasy it gave me to letting her feed to keep her alive I didn't refuse I moved closer and she fed. She left me there so I decided to head to the caves and just as I had hoped Kyle was there 

"so Kyle two questions, first were is that girl Gemma and second you being a rouge are you planning on leaving any time soon?" I asked and the very moment I did Kyle gave me an akward look

"about leaving I was wondering if I could stick around its been a while since I stopped running" he replied and then a look of regret crossed his face. I stared at him for a minute then realized something

"what do you mean by running?, what are you running from?" I asked only now realizing I knew nothing about Kyle, he looked at me weirdly then said

"Gemma left shortly after you passed out, but she might have given you her blood" I stared at him astonished did he just say she gave me her blood I almost couldn't process it. Kyle now looked kind of uncomfortably with the news out in the open

Blood and the Moon (ON HOLD for quick changes)Where stories live. Discover now