I am seeing RED

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I was drifting in between consciousness and dreams I couldn't focus on anything it was all moving to fast there were screams and crying but it didn't register on a scale for me, I had no idea what I was doing all I knew is that is was wrong.

I awoke the next night tired as hell I didn't want to move but then I felt a nudge

"Carter hey are you all right, your'e covered in blood" I heard the faint voice say but I had no clue to who it belonged to but then I was off the ground and was being carried away. After an hour of drifting in and out of consciousness I felt a cold embrace around my wrists I looked down to see it was a chain

"what... what are you doing to me" I asked blinking as I looked around

"why? why did you do it Carter? I overlooked some but this I can't" a familiar voice said then I felt a strong contact and it went black once again. I felt a wave of cold hit me, I looked I was covered in water "what is this?" I asked looking around I was in a room it was dark but I then saw the outline of a person step forward confusion shot through me

"Kyle? what is going on?" I asked looking around fear starting to fill me as I saw that I was completely chained in silver it may not burn but it weakened me terribly. Kyle had a look of complete disgust on his face while looking at me

"Carter why did you kill those people?" he asked shock covered my whole body 

"what people Kyle?" I asked and as I did rage grew across his face and he struck me with multiple blows

"what people... what people... the seven that you slaughtered" Kyle shouted I didn't understand I killed people. When. I stared at him in disbelief I had killed seven more innocent people

"Kyle when did this happen, I don't remember" I said, Kyle looked in awe like he didn't know how to respond 

"please you have to let me go I don't know what is happening to me" I said feeling frightened about what I might do next. Kyle moved forward slightly and unchained me 

"listen Carter I don't know what happened I can't pretend to understand what is happening to you but we need to stop it" he said with a look of unrest on his face 

"thank you, first we need to find Jesse" I said as I stepped out the door and into the streets. I raced my way to the forest and began to shift but something happened I felt my bones crack into place and then slowly shift and expand to a size that was incomprehensible, I was nearly double the size I was originally I felt each muscle push and extended with unimaginable pain coursing through me. I felt like I was on fire my body told me to hunt I rushed through the forest with Kyle on my heels as I ran I caught the sent of a black bear I crashed through the bracken in front of me and hit it to the ground. It arose in shock and it tried to claw at me I dodged to the side and tore into its side with my claws, it let out a roar of pain and then clashed with me but I was much stronger I toppled it to the ground and crushed its larynx, once dead I devoured and feed on its blood I stopped instantly 'what am I doing' me and my wolf both thought simultaneously. 

It took me a matter of moments to make it to the cave after I had fed, the second I was in walking distance I shifted to human form and walked in there sat Jesse who instantly grabbed me 'she's crying why' I thought as I hugged back. After a minute she pushed me back

"Carter why did you kill people? I don't even kill people I just feed" she said just loud enough for me to hear, I felt my heart sink in my chest

"Jesse I don't remember doing that. I don't remember anything from earlier that night, the last thing I remember was Being with you in the cave" I said feeling ill at the thought of murdering eight people

"I believe you but Kyle told me you drank their blood, is it because I let you drink mine that this is happening?" she asked while taking a step farther from me I reached out and grabbed her arm 

"listen I didn't mean to harm anyone, none of those eight people were meant to get hurt" I said a look of terror crossed her face. The very moment those words left my mouth I realized my mistake I had killed seven then but I accidentally added the women Gemma made me feed on into the list

"you only killed seven Carter what are you talking about?" she asked looking like she was going to collapse 

"listen I didn't mean to kill any of them I killed seven that you know of but Gemma made me feed on an eighth victims the day before I saw you outside the warehouse" I said pulling her into my embrace. Jesse struggled at first but I slowly calmed her down back to herself as my arms touched her skin the electricity ran through me once again, my breath stopped as she ran her hand through my hair as she did my pulse quickened  to a racing speed and neither of us could control ourselves. I crushed her and myself closely together feeling the sparks fly through me it was perfect her body shaped mine perfectly as we laid ourselves to the ground, the feeling that was in both of us was something that was unstoppable my nerves felt like they were on fire. I tore her shirt off so that we could get as much physical contact as possible, slowly she pushed me away hurt pounded through my whole self

"is something wrong?" I asked not being able to keep the pain from my voice Jesse slowly gave me a look of regret

"we can't do this Carter, I am sorry but it isn't right especially if it has something to do with what you did to those people" she whispered as she got up and left tears following shortly after. The very moment that she left my heart slammed against my chest with such pain I thought I was going to die,then an aroma hit my nostrils it was intoxicating but I would resist it already knowing it was blood. I walked as deep into the cave as possible and shifted and just as before once my bones and muscles had reformed they began to extend. Once I had become my wolf I buried my noise and face into my legs trying to avoid the sent, but the very second the blood smell reached the cave my wolf started to whimper and re-shift

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed writhing in pain tears covering my face then my finger nails grew and turned razor sharp followed by my teeth that curved unnaturally it was killing me. I felt my body take over pushing towards the town. My wolf and I were fighting it I could see it outlined in the darkness in my mind then it stepped forward horror and fear clutched at me the dark figure looked like me but this face belonged to a vampire except this one had the most perfect red eyes, then it was over I crumbled beneath the power of this creature. I felt it rush through the forest and into the city to my luck he stopped at a dark alley he stepped closer he could smell the blood that was deeper in the alley 'please don't!' I screamed through our thoughts but nothing he just moved through the alley. 

"help!!!" we heard a scream he smiled and moved closer and there it was a group of twelve people who were attacking a women she was huddled in the corner for some reason this made the vampire side furious. The vampire side gave me and the wolf a part of the control of our body instantly we shifted into the wolf but when the extension of the wolfs body came there was no pain we all rushed forward hitting one of the men he went flying we had managed to move fast enough to not get caught by the humans slow eyes. we rushed all of them, they began to run but we slowly killed them off not that I wanted to but both the wolf and the vampire did and I stood no chance against both

"please don't h-hurt me" the women said still huddled when we stepped forward in human form, we nodded and she ran. Once we were alone the vampire took over and began feed on the twelve dead men that had attacked the women and all I could see was RED.

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