The beginning of an addiction

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I stared forward at the dark figure before me and on his features i could see confusion, anger and even betrayal they shone like a brilliant star in the night sky all the emotions transfixed on me made me feel worried and uncomfortable and the eyes they were going red with rage, the eyes so very familiar to me especially since i saw them every day and every night they were the eyes of the Alpha. Alpha's body had began to tremble beneath his own anger

“how dare you-you drink the blood of a vampire... to drink blood at all Carter!” Alpha spat at me with a shaking voice that seemed like he was not in complete control of himself and by the look he had on it was clear he was struggling to remain in his human form. I stood my ground ready in case he made a move to attack me but i could feel the raw emotion surging from his body and it made me tense up and my stomach twist in pain

“look i know i crossed a line but..” i tried to defend myself but was interrupted by a yell

“no Carter you crossed the line when you slept with them and when you let them feed on your blood but this time you pretty much destroyed all boundaries Carter” he said his temper flaring with every word that escaped his mouth. Then he started to move towards her with the intention to kill her and this sparked my connection to her and i felt the need to step between them and so i did but this had a terrible reaction because a growl ripped through his throat and i could practically hear her shaking with fear behind me

“what now you defend them too, Carter you've sunken so low what is wrong with you?!” he screeched at me before his anger consumed him and he shifted into the huge grey wolf with peircing golden eyes. He lunged at me crashing into me with his full force and i responded by shifting and sending his body flying into a tree like he was nothing beneath my strength which should not have happened since he was the alpha of our pack and alpha's were naturally better in every way. Slowly he raised himself from the ground while i made sure that i could block him from getting to her 'you are and abomination Carter and i have put up with you long enough, you have disgraced this pack for the last time' he said through our mind connection. As those final words reached me i felt a pain inside my chest and i felt the minds of my fellow pack members get torn from mine meaning that i was now no longer apart of this pack, i felt rage build in my core until it flowed through my entire being and nothing could contain it within me any longer. I rushed him as fast as i could go and was surprised that i caught Alpha before he could react and so i clenched my jaw around his shoulder and no matter how hard he seemed to struggle my grip seemed to be stronger then his strength and i quickly applied as much pressure into my bite forcing him to scream out in pain before howling into the night.

Almost immediately more howls began to fill the before silent night air and as i stretched out my senses i found that the entire pack was now rushing towards us with full speed and i already knew it was blind luck that i took on Alpha and held my ground so i released him and rushed to the still trembling women, i signalled for her to get onto my back and she did without even a moment of hesitation. I pushed all my limbs to move as fast and as hard as i could push them to go and i didn't stop till my legs were no longer able to raise of the ground and my wolf's side was whining from exhaustion, to my ever lasting luck we found a nearby cave that we would could use as shelter. Once we were inside the cave i let her of my back and shifted back to human

“how could that have just happened?” i asked myself but obviously she over heard what i had said

“well i am very surprised that this just happened as well, i thought that the very moment an alpha showed up and went to kill me that i would be dead” she replied to my question but it was obvious that she had no idea that i was wondering how i had been able to take on an alpha and not be crushed beneath his power. I looked at her and i saw that she was starting to calm down but by the look in her eyes she was panicking from the idea that she was so close to truly being dead

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