Blood Lust

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I awoke the next morning to find that i was surrounded by darkness but i could feel that i was on a soft mattress that was unimaginably comfortable almost to comfy it made me not want to move from my spot and so i laid there for what felt like hours but when i checked my watch i realized it was only minutes. I was about to try to move when i felt an arm wrap around me and a head rest on my chest i looked to see her lying there asleep and i could feel her cold breath rush down my body giving me a tingling feeling along my spine, i slowly moved her so that she was on her back and i could move but the sight of her asleep there made me feel like i was lost into nothing. I moved now trying to not wake her from her sleep but then i heard her rustle around and slowly get up so i turned around to see her in front of me

“good morning my beauty” i said as i kissed her cheek gently she smiled slightly at this and leaned into me ever slightly

“hmm” is all she worked out before she bit me making me feel the adrenaline rush and and excitement. She then pulled her lips away and replaced them with her arms around my neck

“i am confused about your blood, it is giving me a rush of energy more then just regular blood dose” she said like she was waiting for an answer but i had nothing to say to that

“maybe it's because I’m a werewolf beauty, after all I'm not human you can't expect it to be the same anything” I said before pressing my lips to hers and instantly she was kissing me back, then out of nowhere i was thrust to the wall and she was still in front of me not removing her lips from mine. After a few minutes of kissing i felt the build up of the wolfs energy that made me want to tear her apart because of what she was and what i was, i pushed her back quickly before i could hurt her

“is something wrong?” she asked while moving closer but she stopped when she saw my wolf's eyes flash through mine

“your-your eyes they are yellow” she said fear filled her voice and covered her face. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply and slowly i felt my body calm down and relax itself

“it's okay now i have it under control” i said as i opened my eyes to see her standing a fair bit away from me so i closed the distance between us and smiled

“what was that?” she asked while watching me carefully but this made me laugh

“don't worry” i said as i wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me “it was only an instinctual reaction to being so near to a vampire” i finished as i buried my face into her neck and lifted her off the ground and began to dance round it quickly before putting her down. She giggled once her feet touched the ground

“i must go my beauty but i will return later, okay” i said as i laid her down on the bed, right before i let go of her she bit into my neck once more forcing my feet crumble beneath me making me fall on top of her and as i did i felt the endless blissful and heavenly feeling that made me pull her closer to me as well as tear through some of her close from the feeling that she was making me fell. It took her about two minutes before she pulled away from my neck and i could here her panting as well as my own breath rushing in and out of my lungs

“i really must go now” i said as i tried to pull myself away from her but it was barely working

“if that's what you have to do then i won't stop you” she whispered into my ear which caused a tingle to crawl down my spine and my hands to constrict around her waist, gently i forced my self off of her and grabbed my shirt and coat from the ground

“I'm sorry my beauty but yes i must, i will come back though” i said as i walked to the door and left.

I sat in my car for ten minutes before i finally got out and moved into the hotel room that i shared with Alpha and Mickeal and once i got in i realized how exhausted i really was so i stumbled my way to the bed and dropped onto it welcoming the dark as it covered my vision and weakened my body. After what felt like an eternity of rest i was kicked awake

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