Chapter Deux - Friggin' Adorable

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  This story is my intellectual property. Copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Story Quote: “No Elli, we need to talk about it. You’re acting weird, like you hate me or something. You think that doesn’t bother me?”

Dedicated Song For This Chapter: Hoodie Allen - Where Do We Go Now (bottom right corner under Media)

Chapter 1 - Just ReadyThe day after the party is of little importance. I basically just sit in Ashton’s room and listen to rap music all day

  I’m lying on Ashton’s couch half falling asleep when I hear Elodine’s voice downstairs. I jumped up “is that Elodine?”

  Ashton nodded “yeah, she’s probably making breakfast or something”

  I trudged down the stairs and watched from behind the door as she prepared breakfast

  She had on blue capris and an orange oversized tee-shirt that I assumed was Ashton’s. Her short choppy hair is pulled into a little ponytail and she has a headband on to keep everything in place. Needless to say, she looks friggin’ adorable


  Elodine looks up at me “hi”

  Her hand is furiously mixing a bowl she’s holding to her stomach. She was struggling a little bit “do you need help young’n?” its instinct to ask...

  It’s instinct to call her a young’n…

  She sighs, sets the bowl down and swipes the back of her flowered hand over her forehead “Kennett, I got it. I don’t need you to hover”

  She’s bitter, probably because I sort or rejected her last night at her birthday party; she’s trying to act like it never happened and although that’s probably the best option I wish she would just let me talk to her about it

  She likes me. Like, really, really likes me. I can’t believe I never knew how serious it was before but know that I do it’s sort of awkward.

  Of course I don’t feel the same way; she’s my best friend’s baby sister.

  The thing is I’m a little cocky over the fact that Elodine likes me though. She’s so quirky and particular. She only likes three teaspoons of cream in her coffee. She doesn’t like using a towel more than two times before washing it and she freaks out if her pillow touches the ground.

  Elodine only buys two-ply toilet paper and if you get the wrong brand she gets upset and makes you take it back. She doesn’t like her food to touch on her plate and she goes into a rant if the seasons in the pantry have leftover seasoning on the lid. She also scrubs her shoes if they get smudged and she cries a little when her glasses get dirty

  She’s quirky and she knows what she wants. I can’t help but feel like a boisterous overachiever over the fact that I’m what she wants. And although I think it’s nice it bothers me because I know her feelings only serve a purpose to complicate my life and make me feel bad for not liking her back

  I was there when she was born; I was there when she went into that ballerina and princess faze. I was always there; I was the second brother that filled in when Ashton couldn’t

  When Ashton broke his leg in the eighth grade I was the one who walked Elodine to the bus stop every day for 2 months. She was innocent and helpless. She would tug on my shirt and tell me that she loved me before she got on the bus

  Elodine has always been the little sister I never had and I’m happy with it that way. For her to spring something like this on me, to say that she likes me. I don’t feel it’s fair to our relationship and I wish she would just simmer down and realize that the way things are right now are the way they’re supposed to be and she’s crazy to try and bring havoc to it

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