Eek! (Part 2)

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I just wanted to THANK YOU ALLLL!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND HOLY SMOKES 2K READS AND 86 VOTES!? AHHHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Anyway just go ahead and read...don't mind me.. I'll just be crying tears of joy in this drawer here

*Reader's POV*
I woke up exactly where I had passed out. What happened..? A slight headache and dull stinging where I had been cut are the only pains I can feel. Propping myself up on my elbows, I take in my surroundings. There's no stir of life anywhere. Still a bit dazed, I push myself up so that I now sit upright.

I finally spot a grey furry coat and my eye widens as I stumble towards Kiba. I drop to my knees beside him and shake him. "Kiba! Hey, Kiba, wake up!" I whisper yelled. He didn't move. I shook him again, my hands trembling at the thought of him being injured or worse..dead..just because of me. I flipped him so his back wasn't facing me and I held his head in my lap. I leaned over and put my head gently in his chest, trying to listen to his heartbeat. Good, his heartbeat is fine, and his breathing is regular. I slowly set his head on the ground again and I looked around, trying to find where the enemy was. I shakily got up on my feet and took a few wobbly steps. Trees were knocked down, the ground was torn up, and other things had been demolished in the path of battle. I stared at the scene. No wonder Kiba is out, he must've had trouble with whoever was trying to capture me. I noticed something else. Sound. There was none of it. Not a single chirp from a bird, not a single rustle from any rodents...nothing. The forest had gone silent. Was it because of the battle? Or is something else still lurking? My heart skipped a beat when I heard a single, almost silent, crinkle. Like a dry leaf being stepped on. I whirled around just in time to see him. The person who was trying to take me. I growled and leapt back, quickly gaining a fighting stance. He cackled ominously  and his voice, with words filled to the brim with poison, spoke. "Have no where to go... Dirty pig.... Call them friends?..... Where's the rest of them?..... Can't hide.... Fighting is useless...... Scum..... Don't have enough experience..... Dumb, without a doubt...... Love to see everyone you care about, cripple..... Trapped like a rat.... Have no where to go....." He chanted with a dark aura, over and over again. His slippery voice sounded like a snake. I shuddered but kept my stance. I am not about to lose to this guy! I mentally growled. I'll just have to avoid using my (K/g).. I shook my head and rid my thoughts. If I was going to fight him head on, I needed a clear mind. Suddenly, he leaped for me, his bloodshot eyes locking onto my (e/c) eye. I quickly formed some hand signs and shouted out another of my clan's favorite jutsu. "Wind Style: Twin Katana Dragon Blades!" I let my chakra flow and a huge amount surged forward, creating two dragons made out of wind, like a tornado. From a small scroll, I summoned twin Katana blades and lunged for the man. He was forming hand signs of his own, but I already beat him. I plunged the katanas into both his sides and leaped back. I formed a few more hand signs and the dragons turned and dove for the katana blades. They both crashed into the man and he was sent flying backwards. The dragons twisted opposite ways then turned towards each other and slammed into each other, creating an even bigger tornado. The now ginormous dragon roared. The roar sounded like fierce wind tearing at your eardrums. Then the dragon turned towards the man and opened its jaws. It flew towards the man then snapped its jaws shut when the man was in reach. My enemy screamed in pure agony. He was twisted and turned, tossed and tangled in the air as if he were a rag doll to the dragon. My chakra depleting rapidly, I called off the justsu and fell to my knees, catching my breath. Just after a few seconds, I saw the man rise. Taking one last big, deep breath, I stood up, crouching down again in a fighting stance. My opponent ran at me and tried to stab me several times with a Kunai knife. I kept dodging, bringing up my defense. I kept close to at least one tree, then jumping back towards another one when he tried to stab me again. I continued this until we went in large-and sometimes small-circles around the forest. Just as he tried one more time, I leaped back and backflipped until I was at the center of the small clearing we were last fighting at. Most of it was torn up, the remains of the once peaceful clearing now a pile of remains from our battle. The man jumped for me again, screaming in frustration and fury. I jumped straight up this time, surprising him a bit. He stumbled forward a couple inches just as I had hoped. He pulled the trigger of the strings I had hooked to the bark of trees every time he tried to get me. I had also deliberately set up the trap so when the paper bombs went off, it wouldn't affect Kiba or Akamaru. I never forgot about my friends throughout the fight. I never would. The explosion went off and I landed on a tree branch, then leaped backwards to avoid flying branches and other debris. A kunai knife flashed before me, then it was held to my neck. "What? Did you really think I was that easy to defeat? I have to say, that was quite a trap, I didn't even notice until the last second. But it takes more than that to kill me." He chuckled from behind me. I grit my teeth. Why can't he just die already!?!? I mentally shouted, frustration building up inside of me because of my stressful situation. It's ok....calm....I just need to be more preservative of my chakra... I shivered as a new, yet dreadful, plan was forming in my mind. I took a deep breath. "Heh. I didn't think it would be that easy. Unless you would have been foolish enough for such an obvious trap. But, you didn't die, so hey, that's a pointer." I smirked and he growled, obviously angered. Just as he was about to speak, I closed my eyes and formed the hand signs out of his vision; sense he was behind me, he couldn't see everything over my shoulder. I became aware of his conscious and lunged my mental attack at him. I didn't hesitate to stab deep into his mind, and just as he was trying to pull me back for his attacks, I pulled out quickly, ripping away from his grasp even though it was painful for me, too. He screamed in pain and fury, and while he clutched his head, I grabbed the arm he was holding a Kunai with, and pulled it out of his hand, then I grabbed his hand and kicked his chest so he would hit the middle of the tree, but he couldn't get away from me. Then I bent his arm backwards and pulled roughly, yanking his shoulder out of its socket. He cried out and I took the chance to jump out of the tree and run towards Kiba and Akamaru. Once I was beside Kiba, I shook him, desperately trying to wake him up. I thought I had gone deeper into the man's mind last time than this time. I was wrong. And what I felt in his mind scared me. He was a complete monster inside, full of memories of killing and laughing at the dead bodies. What was worse, is that I felt him killing the people, as if I were him and I was the one ripping apart and shredding into the victims. Over and over, I experienced committing murder in various and sickening ways- about 17 times in a passing second. I was utterly blind by fear and pain, trying to wake Kiba or Akamaru up. "Come on!! Come on, you need to wake up!! Kiba! Akamaru! Wake up!!! KIBA!! WAKE UP, PLEASE WAKE UP!!" Tears rolled off my cheeks as I tried to wake them up. I was too shaky to even notice something odd about them. Or the man coming up behind me. "What..." He rasped, and I quickly turned to him, my heart pounding so fast I thought it might rattle my ribcage and burst through my chest. My breathing quickened, adrenaline making my whole body shake. Or was it fear? "What did you do to me? What was that? What did you do!?" His teeth were clenched together and his hands in tight fists. My eye widened and I shook my head, backing up a bit until I bumped into Kiba's limp body. "I-I don't know! What did you do to those people!? Why!?" The tears had stopped now, but I was still afraid of this man, and whatever he did to those people. Killing them with no hesitation, and for nothing. "What did I do? The same thing I'll be doing to you, after I get your eye. You see, your Byakugan isn't just a normal Byakugan. It's capable of much much more. Your Byakugan has chakra of its own, so when activated, it doesn't take your normal chakra away. You see, your Byakugan has much more than you realize. But it will all be taken me." His dark chuckle and horrific grin shot fear through my very core. He made hand signs, earth signs, and I snapped out of my daze. "No!" I screamed, but he didn't bother to even look at me. I quickly turned and grabbed Akamaru, setting him on Kiba's chest so I could hopefully get them to safety. I wrap Kiba's arm around my neck, then place one hand on Akamaru, using the other to hurriedly make hand signs. Just as his earth style justsu was taking place, I had transported the three of us further into the woods. Even such a short distance took immediate effect on my chakra. I could feel it depleting rapidly. I stumbled to the ground from my sudden exertion and lay there panting for a minute or two. I scrambled up on my hands and knees and continued shakily to get on my feet. I started to drag Kiba-with Akamaru on his chest-to a safer place before the man found us again. Too late. He stood before me, smirking. I gritted my teeth and glared at him. I put Kiba down gently and stood up facing that fowl man. "Your mine!!" He leapt towards me, his eyes bloodshot and hands outstretched to grab me. I ducked at the last minute then twisted around and kicked upwards, hitting him square in the stomach. He flew sideways and I stood up, holding my hands up in a defensive way. I was doing the only thing I could do now; using taijustsu. My chakra was low and I definitely couldn't use my Kekkei Genkai. But...what if I use my Byakugan? He said it "had its out chakra" but then again...he could be tricking me. Maybe he wants me to use my Byakugan. But for what? What could it be? My thoughts swirled around in my head, but I snapped out of it when he charged me again. "MINE!!!" He shouted, lunging at me. I tried to block his attack, but he crashed into me and we both tumbled down. I growled as we tussled, both of us trying to gain the upper hand. Finally, I pinned him down and punched him right in his ugly face. I stuck a paper bomb to him without his notice and I punched him again. When I went for a third time, he grabbed my hand and flipped me over. I heard the paper bomb going off, so I ran in the opposite direction as fast as I could. The explosion roared in my ears and I flew forward from the impact. I fell to the ground but immediately rolled, trying to get farther away from the explosion as much as possible. I hoped Kiba and Akamaru were alright. They were further away from the explosion than I was but I still worried about them. As I was getting up, I felt a presence behind me, so I turned around. There he was, no bruises, blown off bits, or even a single scratch. "How!?" I hissed, fury coursing though my blood. He only looked at me, a creepy smile forming on his what seemed untouched face. I set my jaw and crouched down in another stance, trying to not show my weariness. When he ran towards me, he tried to hit me but I clumsily blocked it, leaping backwards. Trying to conserve my energy, I blocked his next four attacks but when he tried again, he knocked me backwards and onto the ground. He pulled out a kunai and faced it towards me threateningly. I kicked his leg, buckling his knee so he fell down, and then I rolled away, jumping to my feet. I looked around, trying to find him. Suddenly, I turned and there he was once again. He inhaled, cupping both his hands in front of his mouth, then he exhaled and mud shot out. Of course.. I dodged the first attack, but he was too quick and I was slow and tired. He shot the mud at me again and it hit me. I flew backward from the impact and somersaulted into a tree. I coughed, slowly sitting up.
Terrible place to leave off? Yes. Do I feel guilty about it? A little bit. But trust me, I left off here FOR A REASON!! Aannndd you will see my reason NEXT CHAPTER!! WOOO!!!! Also.....I love ya'll and I'M SO PROUD..THANK YOU FOR READING AND VOTING FOR MY STORY IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME ESPECIALLY SINCE I THINK I'M A TERRIBLE WRITER!!!
-love, Lemon <3

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