Tories P.O.V.
Sandy left to get washed up for dinner leaving me and Alex alone. "I'm going to wash up for a bit before we go to eat." I said walking to the bathroom just to use the bathroom and wash my hands. I walked back out to see Alex in a black polo and dark wash jeans and black and white Nikes. I have to admit he looked cute. "So what do you want to eat?" Alex asked me walking to the door. "I don't know anything is fine. What is Sandy going to eat?" I asked him waking out the door.
"Probably everything she can, she gets super hungry when she's pregnant." He said walking into the kitchen where we see Sandy eating almost everything like Alex said she would. She eats a lot but the grilled chicken sandwich she is eating does look yummy. "Can I have a chicken sandwich like the one Sandy is eating." I asked Alex pointing to the almost done sandwich. "Yea of course I'll ask somebody to make it right now." He said motioning to a cook and pointing at the chicken sandwich. "Hey Alex, Grace and Adriana are coming tomorrow to.visit."Sandy said after finishing her sandwich. "I thought Grace and Adriana lived in the pack house with you." I asked Alex while taking a seat next to him on the stools next to the table. "No there mates are from another pack so they left to live with them." Alex said while a cook was bringing me my chicken sandwich. I just nodded and took a bit and it was yummy.
After we ate me and Alex just went upstairs to watch a movie Grown Ups. "Hey Alex, how are your sisters like?" I asked him while watching the movie. I want to know them I hope there like Sandy nice and sweet and not mean. "Grace is ok, she can be bitchy at times but that's all. And Adrian is shy but when you get to know her she never shuts up." He said giggling at the last statement. Adriana sounds ok but I'm just a little scared by Grace I don't really come across likable to many people.
"So are you close to them or something." I asked him. I want to know more about him and these seems like a good place to start. I don't want anymore surprises I want to know everything before we mate. "Kinda not really I wasn't around much because my dad had me training to become Alpha so I wasn't around them much." He said not taking his eyes off the tv. I'm honestly surprised, he seems close to Sandy like they goof around. "But you seem really close to Sandy." I said looking up at him he just kept looking at the screen. "Because Sandy is the only one who's mate is from this pack so I talk to her more." He says shrugging his shoulders that makes since. "So are you the oldest or no." "I'm the oldest than Grace then Adriana and finally Sandy." He doesn't seem very interested talking about his family that much he seems bored. "Do you not like talking about your family or something you seem bored?" He finally looked at me and shook his head.
He put his fingers under my chin and leaned in. OMG I think he's about to kiss me. No! He can't I'm not ready I don't want to kiss him. He leaned in really close and I pulled away. "I have to use the bathroom." I said walking away. Wow, I need to use the bathroom? What a horrible excuse. But I can't help it I don't want to kiss him I'm not even ready to really accept him until he gets his anger issues under control.
"Did you not want to kiss me or something?" Alex asked knocking on the bathroom door. He sounded angry but how are you supposed to tell your Alpha mate 'sorry no I don't want to kiss you because I'm scared of you.' "No I just needed to use the bathroom."I said just standing near the sink. "Fine, so when you come out here you'll kiss me?" Alex asked calming down a bit. Now what am I supposed to say. If I say yes I'll have to kiss him but that's not going to happen. Even though you want to. My wolf said.But if I say no he'll just scream. At least I'm behind the bathroom door. Well here goes nothing. "No, I'm sorry but I'm not ready to kiss you yet." I said getting ready to hear his screaming. "So are you rejecting me!" He screamed. No I'm not rejecting him....yet. "No, just that I'm not ready to kiss you yet that's all." I said. I didn't hear anything I just heard the bedroom door slam closed. I guess he's angry. I walked out and didn't see him. I changed into my fluffy pajamas and got into bed. For some reason I couldn't sleep I guess I need Alex. I just closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep. Hope tomorrow goes better than today did.
*Sorry it took so long been busy vote and comment*

I'm scared of my Alpha mate
WerewolfWhat happens when your scared of Alphas but your mate is an Alpha find out