Flooding thoughts.

40 14 10

I am afraid of thought,
afraid I will be bought,
like the deepest corners of the ocean,
my thoughts lay in my head,
dark, undiscovered, the fear of being afraid,
because a cover over them I had laid,
to cover thoughts from escaping my mouth...
it takes effort.

But I often wonder,
how does the water stay in the wells so easily?
why does it not threaten to flow out?
Just how thoughts want to flow out from my mouth,
pretty ones, smart ones, fearing ones.
Maybe because it's scarce,
maybe because it's needed,
maybe because the ocean is not an abundance,
maybe it's an illusion.

So I'm back from hiatus, and hopefully some specific people are satisfied now *clears throat*
I. am. sorry. okay.
But I have a million excuses that I won't list out, but honestly, I want to read and learn more now than write, so all these poems can be much better.
If anyone has any tips for improvement then please let me know in the comments.

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