Niall girls..

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"Dear my beautiful girls,

So I know you have heard that I've found my princess. Thank you for all of your blessings and support, but I have something to tell you.

I don't want you to think that I don't love you anymore. Because I do and I always will, no one will ever change that. But please don't cry over me.

Your tears are too precious to be spilled over me. Why me? Why? Why do you love me? It seems silly to me but I'm glad you do. Once again, wear your smile, like you always do. You look beautiful when you do!

Yes I found a girl. Yes, she is amazing. But I know she is not you, but you have watched and been with me growing up so thank you for sticking with me through everything.

I know your going to cry around about now so no, don't you dare, don't, not now! Don't be upset! You haven't lost me! I'm still here.

Have I told you, you're beautiful? No? Well okay then.. You're beautiful!

One day you WILL find your special boy too. You and your heart will fall head over heels for him, your heart will flutter and I'm okay with that because then we will both have someone we love.

So next time if you feel like crying, remember I'm here, forever and always.

Niall xx"

Niall girls.. Are you still hanging in there?!

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