Chapter 14

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We were inside the car for quite longer. Neither of us was talking. My baby was happily playing with his dad's necktie and bouncing on his lap.

“Where are you taking us?” I dared to ask first.

“To my hotel room.” His voice was deep and dark.

“Stop the car. We will be going home.” I angrily commanded.

“No. I'm taking you with me.”

“You have no right to decide for me. You don't own me.” I know he was stunned of what I just said but I didn't care how he would feel anymore.

“Olivia, stop being stubborn.”

“Huh?” I grunted.
“Do you think you can manipulate me again?”

“What's wrong with you?” His response was becoming more dangerous.

“Everything is wrong!” I yelled.

“What are you saying?” He paused for a while. “What about last night baby?”

“Do you really think that because we fucked, that makes everything fine now?”

I didn't care anymore if his bodyguard would hear us. Before he could answer, the driver told him that we already reached the hotel.

The door opened and I hesitantly stepped outside while one of the guards was bringing my stuffs.

We were escorted inside the hotel that looked like a castle and I felt so cheap. I was only wearing a blue skinny jeans and a low neckline t-shirt that hugged my body. I felt so out of place. I saw women in fancy dresses and men in corporate suit.

My baby was babbling as he enjoyed watching the hanging chandeliers above him. David's arm wrapped around my waist and we rode the elevator.

We entered a unit that has an extravagant ensemble. I was wondering how much it cost for David for this type of room. I was looking around the room when I heard my baby crying. David was hushing softly to calm him down.

“I'll feed him.” I told him and picked my baby up.

“Where is the bedroom?”

“Follow me.” He spoke while bringing my stuffs altogether.

This must be where he was sleeping. I saw his open suitcase on one side and there were clothes on the cabinet.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and laid my hungry baby on my lap. I pulled my shirt up but I was having trouble removing my bra.

“Do you need help?” David asked while standing near the door.

"No, I can manage." I replied but this thing at my back was really not cooperating. I let an exasperating sigh.

“Let me.” He walked fast. He swiftly remove the locks of my bra. I could feel his breath on my neck.

As soon as my breasts were freed, my hungry baby hurriedly lapped my nipples for milk. I was humming a melody and tapping his legs at the same time.

I forgot that David was still standing in front of us. He was gazing at breasts then he looked at me.

He sat beside me and he was tapping my baby's feet softly to make him fall asleep. In just few minutes, my baby released my nipple and dozed off.

“Let's put him here.” David spoke softly not wanting to wake up his son.

He was arranging the pillows on all sides of the bed. I changed him to his pajamas and gently put him in the middle of the king size bed. I set the baby monitor near him.

“Our lunch is ready. C'mon!” I nodded.

He pulled the chair for me. We ate silently. I could feel his gaze towards me but I refused to meet his eyes.

We finished our lunch and the two hotel staffs entered to clean the table.

He led me to the living room and I intentionally sat on a single couch so he would not make a move and sat beside me.

“Livy, why do I feel that you are hating me again.” He spoke in low tone.

“Why? Have I made you feel that I like you?”

“Livy, I already told you, I want you back, not just because of our son, but I want my wife, you, back!” He looked so uptight.

“You don't have a wife anymore. You made that clear since years ago.” I was keeping my tears.

“I was wrong. I admit. It was all my fault...” Before he could continue, I interrupted him.

“Admitting your faults doesn't mean it will fix things between us.” I interjected strongly.

“By the way, what's with the sudden appearance?” I asked and smiled bitterly.

“Please, don't say it like I'm only playing around?" He looked frustrated.

“Aren't you?”

“Of course not! I will take you back until my last breath.”

I stood up.

“As I have said, I will give you access to see my son...”

“No..” He cut me off and stood up to pull me in to his body. Our foreheads met, and his lips were close to mine.

“Baby, give me a chance. Just one chance for me to make things right. Let me do this, please.” I can feel the wetness of his tears now.

“I was asking you the same thing. I begged you. Did you listen to me? Did you give me a chance to speak for myself?”

I couldn't stop my tears anymore.

“No. You threw me out instead. I almost got killed in the road. I wanted to kill myself. I have no idea why you divorced me. Why? Why David?” I was sobbing between each words.

He seemed dumfounded upon what I said. He removed his grip from me. The next thing I saw was him falling to his kness and broke down. ⛈

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