sharing day

472 13 7

don't listen until I say trust me

"What dagger would you like?" Mr. Henry asked

"The ebony one please"

He hands you it looking tired

"120 gold"

"Here ya go, how's Ms. Henry?" You ask trying not to laugh


"Tell her I said hi" waving you run off to wrap it in dyed pelts 

Running you open the door to your house and run straight too the Couch and grabbing the dyed pelts, just then Jenny walks in raising a brow

"Who's present is that?"


"Who's that?" She asks smirking

"My friend"

"Yeah in special friend?"

"Noooooooo!!!!" You yell

"Then I want to meet him"

You get taken aback from her asking


Sharing day

You walk too school silently not wanting to. Just when you we're almost there someone bumps into you making Cicero's present fall out of your backpack.

"Hey!!!" You yell

"S-sorry Jane"

You look up to find Cicero holding his hand out for you

"Why do I feel like you have done this before?" I say laughing

"Cause I have remember? When we first met"

"I remember"

"What's this? Cicero's present maybe?!" He jumps up and down holding the wrapped dagger

"Yes Cicero, this is your present open it"

He sits down and tears it open like a child would, once he see's the ebony dagger he awws at it

"OoOoO, I love it Jane" he jumps up and hugs you being careful not to stab you with the dagger

"good, now where is my present?"

"Cicero forgot it at home...will you mind getting it this evening?" He asks nervous

"Of course not"

"Bye bye Jane! See you this evening" he waves running off

Start listening to the song now



"Just meet me under the lamp post on 6th street" you yell pointing in the direction of 6th street


With that he runs off, he been acting a little weird here lately

Lunch time

"Jane did you hear?" Dana asks curiously

"No what?"

"A jester was killed in some place near here"

"Really? And this is news cause why?" You ask confused

"It was around the time Cicero left for his trip that he was kill and he came back around the time word had out!"

"What?! No there is no way Cicero would kill someone, yeah sure he has a dark humor but he wouldn't kill anyone"

At least I don't think.....

"What ever you say Jane"

"I mean this is cic we are talking about, loveable sweet cheerful cic"

"You never know, no one thought Mr. Henry would cheat on his wife but you have proven them wrong" she says laying back and putting a cherry in her mouth

"Look I know Cicero he would never kill someone!"

I look over and see a nord listening in on our conversation, that's when Dana looks at him

"Looks as we were speaking a little too loud"

"Oh nine divines" I put my head down
"We should get to class"

At the lamp post

"There you are cic I was starting to think you weren't coming"

I looked up at him he seemed a little sad

"Whats wrong? Is mistress dupre hurt"

"No...h-here i-I'll tell you in m-minute" he said stuttering..he never stutters


I take the bag and notice it's a purple bag with a black heart stitched onto it

"It took me a couple of days to find the perfect fit but it worked, look in the pocket"

I look inside to see a gold necklace picking it up I see that you can open it, looking inside the necklace there is a drawing of Cicero in it.

"Wow this is a beautiful locket Cicero, but why are you giving me it?"

"I-I'm moving" he says putting his face in his hands

"What?! No you can't tell me your joking!"

"I could tell you I'm joking but it would only be a lie"

"! We can figure something out! Right? Like when you were sick and I had to find a way to hang out still" you were freaking out walking In a circle until Cicero put a hand on your arm

"Jane this time we can't stop it..."

"No you can't leave me, you and Dana are my only friends"

"I have to Jane, I'm so very very sorry"

"When?" Tears clouded you're vision but you held them back, having to breath in before you talked cause it was that close to spilling out


You put the necklace on and hugged him

"Please just don't go.." you whispered pretty much to yourself

"Im sorry i have to" he kissed you on the cheek....

....And left


Hopefully that was a emotional chapter, but don't worry next one we will be in mostly Cicero's pov

my once sane heart cicero x listener Where stories live. Discover now