The Beast Inside Me

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Ever since I was born there has been something within me. Something dark and evil. It changes me completely when it shows it's self.

"Madison" my mother calls from the kitchen. I sigh but reply quickly"yes mom?" I rush down the stairs in my socks sliding across the floor.

My mom turns to the sound of me coming into the room and freezes in fear. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!?!?!?"

I rush out of the room to the mirror in the hallway. I look at my face and study the bruises and cuts. "Oh no" I say under my breath. Now he's starting to show his presence physically. I walk over back to my mom and tell her I tripped and hit my face, then rush back to my room.

I sit at my mirror and open my mouth. I look in my throat, hands come out with long yellow nails. I gag then look back. They are gone.

The bruises are from him trying to escape my body. He can't leave until my soul has left my body. So he tortures me, hoping I will end up killing myself.

He occasionally talks through me, in a deep, man voice. He is the reason I have no friends cause when ever I start to get close to them he takes control worrying, if I have friends they will encourage my life to go on.

I lay on my bed and close my eyes, my breathing is steady with a cool breeze from the fan on my face. I talk to myself, "How long will this last?, Can I get rid of him?"

I wake up to a sharp pain in my side. "Shit" I yell out in pain. I stand up and pull up my shirt and see another bruise that formed instantly.

I run to the phone calling Rick. Rick is my boyfriend that lives only a few miles away. He answers "hey"


"Why, what happened?, are u ok?

I explain to him what has been going on, he still stays with me even though

there's two sides.

The Beast Inside MeWhere stories live. Discover now