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I sat for hours, holding my head. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. For me, killing was not what I wanted to turn to. I knew that this wasn't me, but at the same time I also knew that this wasn't something he would put me up to.

Even though our personalities clashed there was never a time that I was under the influence of him while having full control of my body.... It just never happened. So when I threw my sharpest knife in my pocket with a devilish smirk, I couldn't believe my own eyes.

I still couldn't crack the Morse, and it was eating me alive. I went for some online support, tuning into my old twitter account but even then they couldn't help. one person, did attempt. But after going through their answer it made no sense and I couldn't make anything of it. But they did give me a sense of hope that people were still active and willing to help me like before during the marble hornets days. This particular persons name was Kidatash.

Anyways, back to what I was getting at in the beginning. Since I didn't really know what the code was trying to tell me, I could only assume it was referring to the whole message itself. Maybe it was just telling me to kill her.... Maybe not, my head is so full of nothingness that it's so hard for me to pin point an exact detail.

But I knew that I just had to kill her. Every fiber in my body just itched for it. To see her tiny body grow limp in my arms, to see the blood drip from her neck.... I trembled...

No! Stop! This isn't you.... You can't do this your better than this.

I shook my head trying to shake the messages out of my head. If anything the man said was true, why would the operator want to attach himself to a little girl? One that was too clueless of anything. It made no sense.

I left my house.... It was late noon, around 1. The sky was dark and the smell of rain lingered in the air. The streets were busy with speeding cars and people hurrying along.

What day was it?

I don't know how many days had passed since the last time I left my house. I was too busy listing to the tape and taking notes that I didn't even realize that this project had taken me days. All I had accomplished? Nothing more than staring at a wall for countless hours.

I shook my head and I ventured on.... I wasn't going to the little girl, no. I had other plans. I needed to get some supplies because If she is as strong as I suspect, a small knife will not be enough to stop her.

I hold my breath as I walked through the sliding doors of the local Home Depot. My mind contracting ideas from the deepest parts of my brain, trying to pull the other side of myself awake, he can deal with her.... He'd know what to do. I, on the other hand was lost. I could not explain, or even understand myself on what I actually had to do to get rid of her.

I knew that I had to kill her, it was the right thing to do.... But she was just a child.... For some reason I believed that she wanted me to kill her, she was the one who gave me the tape.... Was it a hint that she wanted me to end her life? Or was there something more to the story... Maybe, just maybe she had another side like I do.... Maybe she was a victim of this disease....

I have to investigate this matter farther. But for now I must shop.


Here you all go, another short chapter. It's just a filler to gold back my writers block until I get more ideas. Buuuutt guys, we have to step up the guesses! Only one person made an attempt so far. That was Kidatash. Thanks.

I will not reveal the answer until one of you gets it right. But don't worry, I'll add in some hints throughout the story until someone does. So don't worry!

Everything is (Not) Fine (A Creepy pasta/ Marble Hornets Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now