The Home is Not a Home.

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    There is a little saying that I used to tell myself and it was. "silence is the most powerful scream." I don't know where it originated or how it got to me,  but all I know is that those few words used to play in the back of my mind whenever I was strapped down onto the medical bed and was used as a test rat.

   I used to think that if I didn't scream or squirm around and act like a wild fucking animal,  they would think that there was something wrong and they would leave me alone.  It worked for the first few tests.  I would stare at them, a blank expression sprawled out on my face. This confused them, because for the first time in ten years that I had been there...  I was completely still.  This gave them the impression that I was sick or I was just completely insane. It worked a few times,  they would send me to bed let me have a rest before trying again the next day. 

    Then they got used to my silence. That's when I started to scream again.  15 years old,  you would think that I would have grown used to the tests. The poking, prodding, the screams of other people and the horrible food. But no,  in that nightmare like setting I never grew used to it. It was hell on earth,  and I know that there are worse places than that,  but to be sent away by my family at 5 years old to a place where I did not belong; it was hell. True hell. 

   I used to have a roommate,  his name was Steven. He was 5 years younger than me and I used to take the role as an older brother,  making sure that he got everything he needed. Food,  water,  even a decent pair of underwear. He used to look me dead in the eye,  with the same hopeful gleam in his soft brown eyes and say. "Timothy,  or... Aston,  whichever you are. I'm going home, my parents are coming for me,  and I'll be getting out soon." Then,  after a couple of years of trying to convince himself that his family is coming, the light in his eye died out and he looked up to me like I was the only family he had.

    Another year went by,  and that's when I got moved to another hospital,  the hospital that I spent the rest of my time in. I never heard from him again.

  I finally got out of that hospital when I was 21, I had completed all of my homeschooling.  It was strange though,  I don't really even remember having any school. That's when I finally went to college,  majoring in nothing particular, just trying to get my diploma. I had a house,  crummy but the hospital paid it off for me. I was let out of that place and released to the public for the first time in 16 years. Talking to anyone was hard. I didn't know how to act,  what was expected of me. I didn't understand the concept of money. But they said as long as I kept taking my pills and I got a job then I was free to do whatever I pleased. So I did. Though I never kept a job long,  mostly due to the fact that masky would take over my body for weeks at a time and well...  He wouldn't go to work which,  got me fired. Every. Single. Time.

  But I managed,  to live,  to go to school whoever I could.  It was all fine and dandy. I made my first friend,  Brian, and from then on we were inseparable. Then I met a few more people,  Alex, Seth,  Amy,  and a few more people. Though, I didn't really ever hang out with them, they were mostly Brian's friends. I just really got to know them when I was sucked into auditioning for this mini ammature  student film called Marble Hornets. I'm not really sure what the movie was all about,  the production ended early due to....  Alex.  I'm sure I should tell you the rest of the story,  the story that does not get covered in marble hornets. Nobody knew for sure what was going wrong with Alex,  his short temper, his inability to have a normal day without lashing out on someone. They all just assumed it was stress,  I too,  believed it was just the stress getting to him.  We now know of course that it was the operator.  Now,  the story that doesn't get covered his how he ended it,  and how he lied to all of us right to our face,  and then ultimately causing us all to fail a major project in film class that brought so much stress on some of us that Brian and Seth actually dropped out of college.

   Everyone went their own separate ways,  while I was finishing college  Brian and I started to lose touch.  That's when I suppose he turned into the hooded man,  or well,  hoodie. And then everything went down hill from there.  The operator was more present in my life and he was everywhere. Lurking,  taunting,  just trying to get close to me. This of course led me to get The sickness. With that a whole lot of shit happened. And well, I'm sure you remember the rest from Marble hornets.  Jay,  was an innocent bystander who just so happened to get a hold of the tapes. This led to his death... Or...  Maybe not,  that guy in the basement....  The mask... His hair,  everything about that guy set of a ringer in my head that, that is Jay must be alive and working for the operator and that damned mansion. Then Brian,  the whole operator shit had led to his fatal fall which led to his death.  Jessica,  the trauma of what happened to her led her to be pill-dependent. Seth,  is still missing, and I'm pretty sure that Amy was never alive in the first place. Then there is me, a broken shell with a glitch. I sadly,  have no idea what to say about myself,  do I even have to say anything? 

   I walked into a small drug store and I bought myself a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter. As soon as I walked out,  I started to pat the top of the box to my wrist. This, helps pack In all of the cigarettes insides together. It helps it get more flavor and last longer.  I opened the pack and perched a cigarette between my lips and lit it with the lighter. 

  As I walked back to my house,  I had this off feeling about something.  I wasn't sure what was going on, but I had a pretty good idea that someone was following me. It's been six years since marble hornets was first put on YouTube and ever since then,  I knew the feeling of somebody watching me,  following me.

  I slowed my pace,  looked around,  listened. The streets were crowded by other people,  car,  talking... Sounds. It was hard to actually locate the source of whoever was watching me. The sounds now started to get to my head,  I felt like I was spinning.  I took long drags of my cigarette to try and calm my senses,  but no matter what I did I could not stop the shaking feeling. 

  Time seemed to stop as a small voice,  a staticy voice filled my ears, making me whip around to be face to face with a faceless creature; was it the operator?

   "No,  I'm the Slender Man. A common misconception, but for you,  I'll let it slide. You're Timothy, yes?  Well,  I work with the operator,  I know you,  I've known you for a long time.  Now,  time is paused right now,  so nobody can see me, nobody can hear your screams. If you run I will kill you. Do you understand? "

  His voice seemed to be carried by the wind and not from his own person. I felt a wave of nausea and I knew that this was a side effect of the sickness. I stared up at him,  dumbfounded. I couldn't stare long,  as static would fill my vision the longer I stared. So the slender man is a real creature.

   I was surprised actually,  to see that The slender man was an actual being that existed. I know,  how could I be shocked,  after all,  the operator is a thing that is in my life.

    I felt just pain everywhere,  although I tried to run I was stuck, not from fear,  but I was literally stuck.  I frowned slightly as I looked down to see this... Black...  Thing... Around me. I put my hands on it and tried to break away,  the thing was cool to the touch and when I pulled my hand up some black  goo stuck to my hand. I scrunched up my nose and I shook my hand to rid it of the black substance.

  "Let go of me." I frowned as static encased my body.  I started to shake as a laugh erupted, ripping through the air in a static mess. Again,  the sound was not coming from him and although it messed with my head I couldn't help but laugh back. 

   And then all that I could see was darkness.... Again I was out like a light.

Everything is (Not) Fine (A Creepy pasta/ Marble Hornets Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now