The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (Christmas Special!!)

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Hi, Wonderful Wattpad. This was something I started writing in 2013 and took down when I lost inspiration and felt bad for leaving it abandoned. But I have returned to it with a new spark of energy. So here it is, entirely the same, with a new part to finish the little excerpt.

Can you smell a sequel in the air? Cuz I might.



HELLO! It has been a very long time, but I keep tuned in here on Wattpad and I see my views and my fan count grow so I thought I would be the best person in the world (in my opinion) and give you a little Christmas Special of the characters you guys have grown to love.

I want to thank you guys for loving the original story (over three million views, that's insane!) and I've been having these little scenes play in my head so I thought I would put them together for you guys.

This is not the only part, there will be a few more, which will all come before Christmas, and maybe on Christmas. Please show your support and love, because it makes me the happiest person in the world.


I sat thirty thousand feet in the air, wedged between two complete strangers, idly playing with my early Christmas present from Chase, a magnetic Batman necklace. His half of the necklace read 'Batman' and mine read 'Robin, and when they snapped together it completed the bat symbol. I'm not a huge comic book/movie fan, and I don't know a single thing about Batman but Chase loved him, so I loved the gift.

The song on my iPod changed and I smiled. Abel sent me a playlist for the long plane ride to Atlanta from Tampa Airport, and I was loving every song so far. Relient K came out with a new album over the summer, and 'Can't Complain' started playing. It was one of my favorite songs on the album, and everyone knew it because I walked around the halls at school singing it. It always got me in a perfect mood. I couldn't be upset, sitting between these two absolute strangers while listening to this song. They were both trying to get to their own destinations to spend Christmas with their loved ones, as I was traveling to see mine.

I brought up the idea to spend Christmas with Abel when my Moms sister Tracy suggested we take a cruise. Mostly she was suggesting my Mother go on a cruise with her, because the divorce is finally official and my Mother made out like a bandit. It was a celebration of sorts that my Mom won the divorce and that that pig was finally out of her life. It's been a year, and Tracy's been pushing very hard for my Mom to get back out on the market. I think she's going a little too fast, but my Mom deserves a cruise with her sister to get away from stress.

Abel and I have routine Skype dates, usually every week night at 6pm, unless he has a project, or I have practice, yet when we were up late doing homework it was nice to have him in the background. It was almost like we were hanging out. My Mother always makes fun of how we are constantly texting one another. Some people could think it's weird that I waited until Abel lived in Atlanta to realize my feelings for him, but it didn't matter to me and it didn't matter to Abel. No one knew, even know, why Abel up and moved to Atlanta and no one ever will but the reason I didn't notice my feelings for him was because I had so much other stuff going on. Abel had an abusive father figure in his life, and I think that's more important.

This was the first time that I'll be visiting Abel, normally he came down and stayed at my house like he did over the summer, and I was excited to see where Abel has been living for the past year besides through a computer monitor. I was also very excited to see Sarah, Abel's Mom. She's been having a lot of up's and down's with her chemo therapy, and sadly this Christmas season is a down for her. I haven't seen her in our video chats lately and I was really scared about the physical state she was in.

The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (Christmas Special!!)Where stories live. Discover now