The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (Christmas Special!!!) -6-

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My heart was racing as I landed back in Tampa, Florida and I couldn't tell if it was from the rocky landing or the fact that my Dad was supposed to be here to pick me up. It was odd, he was even texting me before I took off to reassure me that he was going to be at the airport to grab me and get dinner together. He kept telling me how excited he was to see me, and it made me want to puke.

My mom knew that I was getting picked up by my dad. She called me internationally, drunkenly laughing that she was wasting that dirt bags money. I laughed with her but explained that I was still going to see him for Christmas even if it was a quick drive home and to say Merry Christmas. She seemed to sober up quickly but she understood. I didn't think my mom was going to lash out and freak out at me, she always said that she didn't want to be one of the reasons I chose not to talk to my dad. She didn't want to impact my opinion on him.

I wheeled my heavy suitcase outside of the airport, and into the humid Orlando air. It felt nice being close to home but I couldn't swallow the lump in my throat. I nervously played with the ring Abel gave me for Christmas, before pulling out my phone to text my dad where I was. The world of this airport was hectic and fast paced, everyone running somewhere or looking around confused. I could t wait to get out of here.

'Text me when you're outside so I know where to scoop you up. I hope you had a good flight, I can not wait to see you Sylvia.' Was from my dad.

'Seeing you this week was amazing, you're everything I've ever needed Sylvie, text me when you're home safe. Call me if you need to talk about what happens tonight.' Was from Abel, he knew I was seeing my dad this evening.

'Man, remember that girl I was trying to get with? Forget that. She's a psycho. She got mad I didn't get her something for Christmas- she isn't even my girlfriend. I can't wait for you to be home, I need a bro sesh.' Chase texted me, and I laughed, I did definitely miss him too.

When my dad finally found me, he pulled over swiftly and hopped out of the car, rushing to the trunk to throw my suitcase in it. He didn't speak until we were on the move again, pulling away from the curb to let someone else have room to get their loved one.

The air was heavy in the air conditioned car, as I breathed in the fresh car scent. Everything was impeccably clean, the car looked hardly touched.

"Did you have a good flight?" My dad asked, honking his horn at the stop and go traffic.

"Yeah." I said, feeling awkward.

"I'd hope so, terrible planning though, it's going to take us an hour to get out of the terminal, let alone the air port." He complained with a smile on his face.

"Blame Abel, he's the one who figured out all the flight stuff. I just gave him your credit card information." I explained, making him laugh.

"Please don't just hand my credit card info to just anybody, you have a very high credit limit. I don't need it falling in the wrong hands." He insisted, and a small smile pulled at the edges of my mouth.

"Oh! That reminds me dad, chase thanks you for all the comic books you bought him the last few months. He's another person who has your credit card number." With that my dad lost it, laughing.

"I'd be nervous if I didn't monitor the credit card transactions." I eyed him curiously. "What? You think I'm not going to check in on you any way that I can? You didn't talk to me for months Sylvia, I wanted to know something that was going on with you."

I frowned, guilt creeping up on me. I didn't know what to say.

"That wasn't me trying to make you feel bad baby, I understand where you are coming from. What I did is entirely unforgivable, I know. I know and I'm so sorry. There's so many things I have to say, and to talk about but most importantly I just want you to know that I miss you. I ruined everything and I lost your mom but I never wanted to lose you too."

And with that I started crying. My dad and I decided that Chinese take out in his small apartment would be best for the night while we tried to hash things out. My dad was never this nice and understanding and I knew it was because he didn't want to fight and lose me again. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and I promised him I would.


The next night, Chase and I were laying on my bedroom floor. It was the last night I had the house completely to myself before my mom got home from her cruise, and we were trying to soak in the freedom.

"Can you believe in six months we will be graduating high school?" I asked, just realizing how soon that really is. "I mean. In a couple months I'm going to start getting college acceptance letters, it's all going to be real soon enough."

"I can't believe we aren't going to play on a soccer team again together." Chase sighed.

"I know. Big things are on the horizon. I can't wait to be going to school with Abel, not worrying about soccer or my parents. I'll be far away, doing my own thing."

"But you'll have to deal with me coming for visits."

"Yeah" I laughed doubting that would ever happen, but going along with it just the same.

It was nice, things were wonderful with Abel and I; and I was finally starting to patch things up with my dad. Big, awesome things were in my future, and I was surrounded by only the best people who wanted what was best for me. I felt loved and cherished. For the first time in a long time I felt truly happy.

"Hey Chase?" I asked, smiling over at him.

"What's up sunshine?"

"Will you pass the Oreos?"


The end.

And a very new beginning.

The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos is getting a SEQUEL. stayed tuned my little love bugs. ❤️

That is if a sequel is something you guys would be interested in.
Let me know in the comments. Thank you.

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