3. An overflow of good converts to bad.

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So that first day in London was kind of uneventful. But it got better as the days went by. It was my first show in a different country and I was very excited. I think by the end of the week I was fully moved in and life was starting. Time moved fast after the first week and so did the show. I met new friends and made a new family. I also meet Tom for the first time he was sweet like an awkward little brother.

We became friends though most of the time Harry would steal me away. I got a lot of praise from my friends about my work. The show was like any other show. Holding ups and downs. Me being be middle man, hearing and knowing about everything between everyone. One of the girls who I grew close to told me she liked Tom. I would laugh every time she would talk about him, and she would get mad at me for not taking her seriously.

Then she asked me a question I knew was coming at some point. "So are you and Harry going out?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "Then who do like? Have you met someone after being here almost a month?"  I hated these questions they made me uncomfortable. After the last few questions I told her about Josh and then she understood and dropped the questions.

I wish everything would have gone smoothly as the months went by, but life is life and smooth isn't in its name.
It was the small get together we had after the cast party that changed everything. Well it could have been more of the drinks. I don't remember much but I do know it happened fast.

There was me, Harry, Sofie, Tom, and a few others from the show. We were in my flat, drinking, playing games, and just talking. Music was playing in the background. I got up the go to the bathroom and then to my room to put something away. I was in my room when he walked in.

"Tom what are you doing?" I whispered and he shushed me. "No you need to get out." I say jokingly pushing him out of my room and closing the door behind us. I turned to face him when he placed a hand on my shoulder and placed his forehead on mine. I froze in place as my heart began to race. He was breathing slow and heavy while I wasn't breathing at all. I remember my hand was on his chest and his arms snaked there was over my shoulders and around my waist, drawing us closer together.

"May." He said with a low whisper lifting up his head. I looked up to him, and his eye were hooded as he looked down on me. The way he said my name made the pit of my stomach feel warm. He lowered his head, hesitated but then our lips met. He kissed me slow and soft. And I kissed back. Then the kiss grew harder rougher and he pushed me into the wall. I could feel my heart racing as if it was going break out of my chest. I haven't felt like this since my first kiss with... Josh.

I pushed Tom away and he stopped looking down at me. My mind raced and I repeatedly thought, oh crap, over and over again. Tom's hand came up and cupped my cheek. I looked up at him as he gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb. A small smile form on his face. Time seemed to stop as if it was just us in the flat. But we weren't and then another thought dawned on me.

"Sofie." I whisper low enough Tom couldn't hear. I lowered my head and pushed Tom away slowly. I felt terrible even though he was the one who kissed me. But I still I .. I couldn't think.

That night went on and at times I could feel Tom looking at me but I tried not to pay it no mind. Slowly people began to leave. Sofie and Tom were last which was kind of awkward. It took sometime but Sofie finally left first though I was hoping Tom would. I started to clean up and he tried to help but I told him no.

He kept trying so soon I had to kick him out. "But I could stay and help."

"No its fine just go." I said as I gently pushed him towards the door. It took a while but he finally caved.

"Fine I'll go." He said laughing slowly walking out the door. He turned around just outside the door.

"Goodnight May." He said softly.

"Goodnight Thomas." I say closing the door.

"When will you start calling me Tom?" He asked stopping the door from closing. I smiled to him. He must have been getting tired of me calling him Thomas every time I talked to him.

"When you can take food from my bowl and I won't get mad and hit you." I say and he starts to laugh.

"Good night." He said and kissed my forehead, causing me to blush, and walked down the hall. That was a long and strange night.

After that I only had two weeks left in London. My job was done and it was time for me to go home. Sadly I wasn't leaving on a good note. Sofie found out about the kiss, and I have no idea how she did. She tried to start a fight with me but left unsuccessful and leaving me feeling guilty.

After coming home I was tired beyond belief and was just glad I was back. Though the bad note kept on playing. Josh and I officially broke up after a month of fighting when I came back.
Soon the storms faded and the bad note finally ended. I lived peacefully for the next three years until I got an unexpected phone call, again.
"I'm actually calling is to ask for a favor."


"Yes. Well it's more of a job opportunity. It could also be really fun. I know you'll love it and.."

"Thomas. Spit it out."

"Would you like to be my assistant?" He said finally and rather confidentially.

"Assistant?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Well you did so well as the stage manager for 'A Street car named Desire.'"

"Well of course I did. It's what I went to school for to be a professional at."

"Well you could use being my assistant, as job experience." I could hear the smile in his voice as I raised an eyebrow.


"Yes. You know like the shows at the local theaters are a side job, and I could be your main job."
This conversation went on for another hour and I finally said yes.
"Great. You can come live with me and-"

"Yeah no. I'm not living with you. I can email Mr. Smith, about getting my old flat back or another one." I say as I log in to my laptop.

"Are you sure he'll have any open?"

"I'm sure he will." I said confidently.
Sure enough he did. Not the same flat but one just as nice. In no time I was back in London, and was way better at this moving thing.

And that's how I ended up here. Sitting across from the man who, almost five years later, I could've had a one night stand with but only kissed and began to have feelings for, my boss.

Thomas William Hiddleston

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                                 ~Emerald May💚

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