7. The common curse of mankind, - folly and ignorance.

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The past two weeks had gone by wonderfully fast. I missed the hustle and bustle of stage production. The family bonding and late night talks. Sadly tonight was my last night with everyone. My task of helping the new stage manager was done. But no one let me off that easy.

We had just finished a run through of a scene and we're just sitting around. Some one had brought pizza and soda. We sat around eating and talking, delaying me leave.

"Alright you lot listen up." Harry stood up grabbing everyone's attention. "Today we say goodbye to a very special friend of ours. May." He holds up the red party cup in his hand and gestures to me.

"Geeez Harry, you make it sound like I'm dead." This made everyone in our small deformed circle chuckle.

"Like always she strikes back with her dry humor."

"At least she knows she doesn't have to try to hard." Chris, one of the stage hands, commented from the background. Another wave of chuckles erupted.

"Alright alright. I tried make this a formal and heartfelt farewell. But thank you, May. For devoting your time, though it was short. We have have made wonderful memories just with in these two weeks. To May." Harry raised his cup and the others followed.

"To May."


The stage was a mess after our little get together. Littered with red party cups, paper plates, and empty pizza boxes. I couldn't let it stay this way. With a trash bag in hand I started to gather the stray cups littering the floor and furniture.

"Your still here." I look up to the voice to find Chris, the stage hand, slowing his pace as he came from backstage.

"Ah. Yeah. I couldn't just leave it like this." Gesturing the messy space.

"Would you like some help?" He walked over slowly. He was a tall lean and lanky fellow but was very toned. Probably from lifting several big and heavy set pieces.

"Umm. Yeah, if you're willing." He starts to collect a few cups from a side table and brings them over to me.

"Anything. For you." I let out a short laugh, as he drops the cups in the bag. We continue picking up cup after cup until all of them were in the bag. "You leave tomorrow don't you?" He broke the hard working silence.

"Yeah I do." I tuck a stray hair behind my ear. "At noon actually. So when I'm done here I can rest easy knowing- shit." He gave me a startled look at me sudden change in mood. I drop the garbage bag and my face fell into my hands. "How could I forget to pack?" I say to myself in a low voice.

Yet I was loud enough that Chris had heard me and he erupted into a fit of laughter. His laugh brought a warmness to my cheeks. It was a contagious laugh. First bringing a smile to my lips and then slowly my own laugh emerged. My eyes watered from laughing too hard.

"I'm such an idiot." I bend down and continue picking up the trash. A huge grin of idiocy was still plastered on my face. Better to finish as fast as I can. With Chris helping it was done in no time. We grabbed our belongings and left out the back, taking the now full trash bag with us.

"That was fast wasn't it?" Chris says after shutting the lid to the dumpster. I gave a short laugh and smiled. We walked slowly as we came from behind the building. I looked around for a cab it was late at night around 11:30 pm. Lucky one came around the corner as we reached the sidewalk. I waved my hand and the car started to slow.

"I could've given you a ride." Chris says.

"Oh it's fine. Maybe next time when I really need it." I smiled back to him. The cab came to a stop in front of us.

"I'll keep that in mind. Maybe it could lead to possibly a date afterwards?" I froze as I griped the handle of the door. I looked back to him and smiled. I looked him up and down as I contemplated the idea.

"That-" I gave a small laugh. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe." A look of hope came upon his face with a wide grin.

"Fantastic." He says. "So I'll call you?"

"Well I'll be gone for awhile. So maybe after I come back."

"Ok." We were so interrupted by the driver window of the cab rolling down.

"Oi. Are we going anywhere, or not?" He sounded impatient as we had been wasting his time.

"Sorry." I say and get in rolling down my window. I told the cab driver my destination. "Until next time." I say and give Chris a small wave. He returned the waved with a very prominent grin of satisfaction in his face.

I rolled up my window and sat back in my seat. I was grinning as I replayed our conversation. Had this really happened? Chris was quite handsome, with his tall lean figure. He wore glasses and looked good with them on or off. Clothes as well. I shook my head scolding myself go such thoughts. 

I probably could have thought about him this entire time if it wasn't for my phone. The small buzzing sound from the vibration can from my bag. I searched in my bag which only held my wallet, phone, keys, and an extra shirt and shorts. The cab had come to a stop in front of my apartment building before I found my phone. Since my phone stopped vibrating and my wallet was the first thing that ended up in my hand, I pulled out the amount and paid the fare.

Exiting the cab I thank the driver and make my way inside the apartment building with my key in hand. I come inside, saying hello to the elderly man who watches the door at night, and head for the lift. I press the button with the number three and watch the doors close.

My phone began to vibrate once more but this time I found it with ease. The bell dinged and the doors opened. I walk the hall toward apartment, number 3, grinning as I see Tom's face on my screen.

"Hey." I whisper as to not disturb the neighbors. Placing my keys in the key hole I unlock the door to my apartment.

"Hello darling. I haven't woken you, I hope."

"No I just got back." I say shutting the door and placed my bag on the small table I had beside it.

"You just got back from the theater?" He says with a surprised tone as I relocated the front door.

"Uh yeah. After we had finished, Harry and a few others had a small farewell party for me."

"That sounds wonderful."

"Well it was a nice gesture. I still had to clean up after them though."

"That doesn't sound nice at all."

"Well it was fine I did have some help."

"Well that's good." I lazily walked toward my bedroom, remembering I needed to start packing.

"How is filming?" Tom gave a small frustrated sigh which made me laugh.

"It's quite alright. Same as always. Made a few friends."

"Well I'm glad your playing nice with the other kids." I joke. It sends him into a fit of laughter. Which is very contagious, I may say, from how cute it is.

"Well I'll let you go." He says after he finishes. "It's strange not seeing you everyday."

"Same. I've forgotten how to function with out a schedule."

A brief laugh come from him. "Good night May."

I smile and look at the time. 12:06.

"Good morning Tom." He laughs once more.

"See you tomorrow." We say our goodbyes and end the call. I start to play my music from my phone, before tossing it onto my bed.

Right now to start packing. I thought laughing at my idiotic self.

**Hope you are enjoying the story.
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                      -Emerald May💚

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