accidental amour

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I met her a few weeks ago at a rave party.
   I never wanted to go there since there were so many risks of getting arrested if the police raided, and there were alcohol and drugs, two things I despise the most.
   I could also be made drink some heavily drugged beverages forcefully, and then taken advantage of. You could say something like this happened there.
   I went to take a glass of coca-cola, and when I wasn't looking, someone mixed some drugs in it. Unaware of this, I drank the whole glass, and after a few minutes, my head started to spin and I began to have vivid sensations and visions, somewhat good, somewhat bad, but addictive. A girl held me and guided me somewhere, and I readily agreed, for those feelings were taking over me slowly, and I had lost my ability to think. On the way, I bumped into someone else, and that's all I remember from that night.
   The next morning, when I woke up, I was in a place foreign to me. Fearing to think what must've happened during the night, I buried my face into my palms, but the tears didn't come out. I brushed my hair and then the door opened, and that was when I actually had a good look at her.
   Oh god, she was beautiful. Her hair was tied in a bun, and she wore a full sleeved shirt with strawberry PJs. She had dark brown eyes, different from them all. She had a cup of coffee in her hand.
   She explained to me what had happened. Instead of taking advantage of my vulnerable state, she'd saved me from one of the girls with such intentions. She'd brought me to her house for the night. I was so grateful to her, and I just wanted to keep talking to her; I could listen to her sweet voice, dripping with love, all day. She was beautiful.
   She dropped me at my house and in order to repay her act of kindness, I invited her for dinner. And that's where our friendship started.
   We used to hang out almost everyday, exploring streets and markets. We used to buy each other crazy stuff, and talk for hours on the phone. We used to bitch about everyone we knew, and got excited about celebrities. We used to sing songs of our favorite artists. We used to watch random movies, huddled up, huge bowl of popcorn in front of us. During horror movies, she would hold my hand so hard, it left wounds due to her nails. She would then apologise and give me first aid.
   I fell in love with her. With her imperfections, her sense of humour, her ability to write and speak so well, her voice, her smile and her dimples, her.
   Today, I am gonna go propose to her. I've made her a bouquet of handmade flowers, bought some cookies, and a diamond ring.
   I love her so much.
   I hope the feeling is mutual.


I'm glad you made it to the end. Ha.
I hope you enjoyed this short story I wrote in a hotel at 3 am while looking at the reflection of the moon in the swimming pool water! (I wasn't really looking fixedly at the moon and writing simultaneously. Jesus Christ, m8)
Honestly, I love writing and reading with all my heart. I've been writing since about a year now, but I rarely show anyone what I've written because I've never felt confident and comfortable enough.
But here we are. Here you have my heart; my soul. It's dripping with love and affection. I'm kind. I don't know where this is going. Sorry.
Anyways, here's the first chapter of lightning and flowers!
I sincerely hope you liked it. Vote  and comment your thoughts.
(Constructive) criticism is appreciated! I want to know how I can improve.
Thank you!

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