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     The dark haired man sighed and rubbed his temples. Dammit. This was the last time he was ever going to take advice from Gwen and Morgana. He was stood up, yet again by his blind date.

     Merlin was just getting up to leave and sulk about his terrible life while watching doctor who, when he heard an awful, choking noise.

     It sounded like a hybrid between a donkey and a walrus was choking to death. He turned around to face the person (if it was even a person) making the awful noise. It turned out to be the muscular blonde man Merlin was ogling earlier when he was waiting for his date.

     Merlin being a medical student, lept into action. He ran up to the man and circled his arms around the man's muscular torso. He then gave five abdominal thrusts. The man stopped choking and was now forcing Merlin's arms off of him and standing up to force him. He towered over Merlin as he yelled.

      "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" The man yelled. Now, Merlin was a calm man (not really, but he likes to think he is) but he had literally saved this man's life and this was his thanks?

       "Oh I don't know, saving your life maybe?" Merlin retorted. The man was red in the face and had begun to yell.

      "Saving my life? I was just laughing at a damn joke my friend made!" Shit. Merlin thought. Well this is embarrassing. He turned a shade of pink in embarrassment.

       "Shit. I am so sorry. I am such a stupid clotpole. I just, um, er, well I thought you were choking. See, your laugh sounded like you were a choking donkey. Oh dammit. Did I just say that? Fuck. I'm sorry. I'm just not used to talking to attractive people and-" The man brought a finger to Merlin's lips. He didn't look as  mad now to Merlin's relief.

       "Tell me, what is your name?" He was confused. What does this have to do with anything? The man lifted his finger off his lips.

       "Um, M-Merlin."

       "Well 'um, M-Merlin' I would like you to come outside with me." The man, seeing Merlin's expression sighed.

       "Don't worry Merlin. I'm not going to kill you. I just need to ask you something." Merlin nodded and then followed the blonde out the door of the restaurant and into the night air

        "So, uh what did you want to ask me? Also, what's your name?" This time, it was the other man's turn to blush.

        "Whoops. I forgot you didn't know me. My name is Arthur Pendragon." Merlin nodded and motioned for Arthur to continue. "Anyway, I took you outside because, well I want to go on a date with you." Merlin raised an eyebrow. How could this model want him of all people.

        "What? Why? You don't even know me. Also, I just said you're laugh sounded like a mix between a donkey and a walrus choking. Not to mention, you're really hot and you could have any guy or girl you want." Arthur shook his head.

         "Believe me, I have no idea. You're extremely annoying, and rude. But- for some reason, I just feel a sort of- bond with you. Like you're a long lost friend. Like we're two sides of the same coin. There's something about you Merlin. I just can't put my finger on it." Merlin blinked.

         "Wow. That was deep. Anything else you would like to share?" Arthur thought for a moment.

         "Hmmmm. Well there's also something about your cheekbones. I want to find out why they're so perfect." Merlin blushed. He was used to getting comments on his cheekbones, just not nice ones.

          "You intrigue me too Arthur Pendragon. I would like to go on a date with you. Can you meet me at the coffee shop at 2:00pm Friday?" Arthur nodded. Merlin smiled.

         "Great. It's a date then. Huh. Who knew accidentally giving the Heimlich maneuver to a hot guy with a stupid laugh would end up in me getting a date?" Arthur started laughing in the said stupid laugh and kissed him.

        "Dollop head"



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