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    Remus Lupin cherished his sleep.  His job of teaching hormonal preteens took a lot out of him and left him exhausted. So when was woken up to a drunken man breaking into his house, well... let's just say he wasn't very amused. 

Remus had a hard day of work having to deal with two girls nearly clawing eachothers eyes out and grading assignments filled with angsty thirteen year old writing. When the teacher got home all he wanted to do was collapse into bed, but no. He had to grade papers.

 Eventually, Remus got so tired that he just fell into bed without bothering to take off his shoes, nevermind his clothes. It seemed less than half an hour when he woke up to a crash and the sound of his glass door breaking. All thoughts of sleep left him as Remus sprang out of bed and raced downstairs. He fumbled for the light switch in his kitchen and what he saw shocked him into rubbing his eyes to see if it was real.

  A man with shaggy black hair and a motor cycle jacket who was obviously drunk off his ass, somehow managed to get through the tall brick wall in his backyard and break through the thick glass door to his kitchen. This wasn't an easy feat itself, but what really surprised Remus was that the man had gone through all of that, just to pet his dog. He was currently petting James and drunkenly muttering sweet nothings to him. Remus eventually got out of his surprised state and started to scream.

  "What the fuck are you doing in my house!?" The drunk looked up at him and gave him the saddest puppy dog eyes he could muster.
"Your puppy is so cute! So are you actually. Do you wanna make out?" Remus was flustered and blushing. He was used to drunk guys flirting with him, but this one was actually kind of attractive . He was still mad, but he decided to calm down and lower  his voice.

 "I truly hope that you can give me a proper reason on why you decided to break in to my house in the dead of the night, or else I'm going to have to call the police." The man looked like he was about to answer, until he threw up all over the place. Remus looked at him in pity and rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Come on. We'll talk in the morning." Remus sighed and lifted the man up bridal style, taking him into the spare room and laying him down to rest gently.

"What's yer name mister?" The man asked. Remus paused for a second before saying his name.

"Erm, Remus. Remus Lupin." The man giggled a little.

"Remus. That's a really cute name. Me name's Sirius... Sirius... whatever. I'm to drunk to remember my last name. Remus? Can you give me a kiss on the forehead?" Remus was startled at the request. He barely knew this man and he was asking for a kiss? Usually he never would have thought of it, but for some reason he wanted to do it to this man. Sirius. He finally relented after a few minutes and bent down to lay a soft kiss on the crown of the man's head. Sirius fell asleep a few minutes ago, but Remus saw a small smile flicker on his face. Remus smiled.

"Goodnight Sirius."


"And that kid's, was how I met your father!" Remus cried out to his grandkids. They were all around a warm fire on a drizzly night and him and Sirius were sitting next to eachother on their comfy armchairs.

"Is that really how you and Remus met Sirius?" Little Teddy asked in the midst of giggles. Sirius laughed and looked at his Moony fondly.

"I wouldn't know. I was drunk!" Remus rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you always? I remember that time at my grandma Dottie's funeral were you started dancing on the casket."

"Ahhhhhh hush. If I wasn't drunk, we would never have met." Remus chuckled and kissed him.

"Well we wouldn't want that would we?"


An: this was a muggle au. I know that Teddy is Remus's son, but let's just roll with it.

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