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   The doctor was ruined. He was going to die. Everything around him, everyone he loved, all dead.

   Gallifrey? Gone. Burned. His family? Dead. Burned. His fault, his fault, his fault! Countless companions, flashing through his mind. Calm goodbyes. dead, dying. Forgetting everything. Donna. All. His. Fault.

Don't look back! Don't look back!


    Rose Rose Rose. Rose. Her last words to him before his hologram left bad wolf bay. His last words to her.

     "Rose Tyler-"

    Her tears. He never got to finish that sentence. Even when he got to see her again with Donna, he didn't have the nerve. He saw her kissing another man.


    The doctor couldn't take it anymore. He collapsed to his knees. Bloody and broken. He was going to die. Some other man was going to step in and he'll be gone. The man that Rose loved will be gone.

    As he fell to the ground of the TARDIS, he felt his hand touch something. A box. He opened his eyes and picked it up, observing it. It was a pretty pink shade and quite small. It wasn't his.

     He checked to see if it was locked. It wasn't. He cautiously opened it and looked inside to find a... letter? They looked to be a few months old. He immediately peeled off the wax seal and unraveled the letter. He didn't ponder for one second if it was safe. The doctor was a very curious man.

      The letter was infused with a familiar scent. A scent that almost made the man tear up. A perfume. Rose's perfume. The letter was from Rose.

      Dear doctor.
I am writing this letter in the other world. The world without you. I know you said that you and I shall never see eachother again, but I know we will. I'll find a way and I will get this letter to you. Anyway, things in this parallel universe are going quite swell. I'm getting acquainted with my dad, mum's had her baby (she named him Toby. Sneaky little bugger he is),I made a few friends at Torchwood and I even learned a bit more about how to fight! It still isn't the same though. I don't have you. Everyday I think of you. Every night I recount our adventures. Remember when we saw the end of the world? It was our first date. And when we met Jack? And the time we went to New New York! Of course, we nearly died all those times, but it was nice. I used to look on those times with sadness. I wouldn't even think of it, else I'd burst into tears. But now... now I think of it with joy. All those times. Just you and me. Well, and a whole bunch of bloodthirsty aliens and tree people but where's life without a bit of adventure, eh? Doctor, I love you. I always will. I'll never be the same person again. But for you... you live a long time. You need to move on. I don't want you to suffer because of me. I don't want you to blame yourself. You'll find new companions, new loves, a new face. And that is alright. Please don't be afraid of it. We all grow and change. When you regenerate, you will still be the same man. The man I fell in love with. You'll have a new face, a new body, hell maybe a new personality. But deep inside your two hearts, you'll always be the doctor. My doctor. Don't be afraid of change. One day, I will be but a distant memory. One that I hope will make you smile. Goodbye doctor.

        Rose Tyler

        The doctor was crying. He kissed the letter before he looked around at the TARDIS once more before he changed. He could feel himself glowing gold. He was a bit worried as to who he'll be, but he wasn't as scared anymore. He was more excited about the new adventures he'll have. He smiled at the TARDIS. And spoke the last words he'll ever say in this body.



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