-:Based On;Sneak Preview:-

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*Taken straight from the one shot book, you may skip if you please.* 

-:Song= Headphones by Matt Nathanson:-

-:Max's POV:-

I plug in my headphones and put them on. I turn on my favorite song, and walk to school. I think the teachers told us we're getting a new student. Great, another person who can expose me, or I can expose myself to.

-:Small Time Skip:-

I'm in my homeroom, and the bell rings. I take of my headphones and set them down. I didn't have my backpack to put them into, because they make us put our backpacks in our lockers. The teacher walks in and sits at her desk. I have the best teacher homeroom, Miss Mwafeg. And, turns out, she's a mermaid.


Today was a day that we were visiting the school pool to watch our swim team. Miss Mwafeg and I were in the back of the line, just talking as we were trying to get to our seats. While we were walking, someone dives in the water splashing us both. I run off, and Miss Mwafeg is behind me. We run in the janitors closet, and we both transform, shocking us both.

"Mr. Mithzan." She says, "I didn't think I would have a student as a merman."

"Miss Mwafeg," I mock, "didn't think my teacher would be a mermaid." We laugh a little, then use our heating powers to dry off. We discretely come out of the janitors closet, and go sit on the top row.

-:Flashback Over:-

"Good morning class." Miss Mwafeg says.

"Morning Miss Mwafeg!" I say, along with the rest of the class.

"As most of you know," She glances at me, "we have a new student coming in class today. And Max, he has the same schedule as you, so would you mind showing him around?"

"Sure." I say. A kid with curly brown hair, and glasses, a with a squirrel hoodie walked in.

"Okay class, this is Ross Mwafeg." She says. Mwafeg? "This is my baby brother, hurt him, and I hurt you." She laughs. "Not really." She adds.

"You're a weirdo." Ross says.

"Says the one wearing the squirrel hoodie." Miss Mwafeg teases.

"You made this for me!" He defends.

"Yeah, yeah. Take your seat bro." She says. "Next to Max, Max, raise your hand." I raise my hand and Ross smiles, coming near me. He sits down at the empty seat to my left. "Max, can you come out here, please? I need to speak with you." She pulls her left ear, and I do the same. That's just code for it's mer talk. "Ross isn't any part mer, so you know. And he doesn't know anything about me, or any mer person." She says.

"Okay, cool." I say.

-:Time Skip;Two Months:-

Okay, Miss Mwafeg's brother is the cutest person I have ever known. He tends to blush and stutter around me, and he's just plain cute! But, I've almost exposed myself multiple times. He's distracting, okay? And, Swim, AKA Miss Mwafeg, is basically my best friend. And, being my BFF, she teases me about liking her brother.


"Hey Maaaaaax?" Swim asks.

"Yeeeeeees?" I mock.

"You know why Ross has all your same classes?" She asks.

"Luck?" I reply.

"I placed him in this school, and gave him your schedule..." She says.

"WHAT?!" I screech.

"You guys okay out h-here?" Ross blushes once he sees me. CUTE!!

"Yeah baby bro." He puts his hands up and leaves. "He doesn't like being called that." Swim adds.

"I think I got that." I say.

-:Flashback Over:-

I hear a knock on my door. It was the weekend, so I was just sitting in my living room, watching TV. I get up and open my door, it was Ross.

"So, my sister kept bugging me about the project she assigned us, and drove me here. How does she even know your address?" He mumbles the last part, but I still heard it.

"She probably looked it up." I say.

"What?" He asks, confused.

"You asked where she learned my address, I'm assuming it's in the school's system." I explain.

"Oh." He says. I invite him inside. He sits down on the chair, next to the couch. I sit back down where I just was.

"So, what was the assignment again?" I ask.

"We have to write a short story, a short love story." He says.

"Why is it a love story?" I ask.

"She lives her love life through love stories. My sister is asexual and aromantic, and I'm also apart of the LGBTQ+ community." Ross says. He is?! Well, I'm gay, so I am too.

"What part?" I ask.

"Oh, umm, I-I, I'm gay." He stutters.

"Hey Ross." I say. He hums. "I'm gay too."

"Like anyone?" He asks. Well then.

"Yeah." I reply.

"W-who?" He asks once more.

"You." He smiles, and blushes. He gets up and sits on the couch with me. We both lean in, and we kiss.

*Here's a little preview of the book. BU BYE!!* 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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