Chapter 3

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We left Winston to his duck hooking, and went to go see how Schmidt and Cece were doing.

We met them at the Ferris Wheel and we shared a compartment. It started to move slowly round and no-one said a word.

"So..." Cece broke the silence.

I knew that if the tension is high, Cece always tries to break it.

"So..." Everyone else repeats.

"This is ridiculous, guys." Schmidt yells, after around 10 minutes of silence. We were nearly at the top of the Ferris wheel now and all any of us has said is "so".

"What do you mean Schmidt?" Nick asked. I was just staring out of the compartment window at the beautiful city lights. I thought, "those people are so tiny."

"I mean that we are all best friends. And we cannot sit through a Ferris wheel ride and not talk." "Is this about earlier, in the apartment? What was that between you guys?" Cece looked at Schmidt and poked her elbow into his side. She looked at him with a serious expression. She knew what was going on but Schmidt couldn't seem to get his head round it.

"It was nothing." Nick said. I put my head down and stared blankely at my feet, fixing my glasses whilst doing it. I was disappointed that he said "nothing" I thought it would have been "something".

Cece could always notice when I was upset, even if I tried my hardest to hide it. She saw it now and realising, she tapped my knee slightly and gave me a wink, as if she's saying "Everything will be Ok"


The Ferris wheel stopped and we were at the bottom. Finally.

We got out and stepped down from the platform. "Lovely view." Schmidt said, trying to cheer everyone up. It didn't quite work.

Everyone responded with a "yeah" muttering it under their breath.

Everyone was quiet, but Nick... Nick was surprisingly quiet. Nick usually talks A LOT but he said very little throughout the duration of the ride.

We started walking towards Winston when, guess who was over by the bumper cars. Reagan. She was with a couple of friends and she turned around and saw Nick.

My heart started to beat quicker and my mouth started to dry up. She started walking in our direction. Schmidt and Cece started to walk to Winston but I stayed until Cece tugged me along.

Nick' P.O.V:

"Um... Hey Reagan." My heart started to beat furiously and my mouth began to dry up.

"Hey" she answered looking at me with those amazing eyes and silky brown hair. Why did I break up with her again? "I'm sorry this ended. Our relationship I mean. I know you felt pressured and I shouldn't have done that to you but I had no other choice."

"What... Um...What are you doing here? I thought you were travelling again. Ohio was it?" " I had a couple days off so I came here. I heard the carnival was great so I came to check it out."

"You could've called." I said forgetting we were broken up.

"Nick, why would I? We're not together remember? You broke up with me."

I didn't answer. I just stared at the ground.

"Nick? What's wrong?"

"I was a coward, Reagan!" I shouted whole heartedly. "I don't know why I let you go. I... I was a coward."

Reagan looked at me and gave me an awkward smile. I knew she was doing this because she had nothing to say. I smiled back, not knowing why.

I grabbed her arm and kissed her. It just didn't fell like it used to.

Reagan pulled back from the kiss "what are you doing, Nick? You broke up with me, remember? You are a coward, just leave me alone. I loved you and you left. Not even fighting for us!" Reagan sighed a sigh of disgust before leaving and joining her friends again.

I felt stupid. But all I could think about was the kiss. It didn't feel right. There were no sparks. Nothing. Why was there nothing? I've kiss her so many times before but this time... this time didn't feel right.

I started to walk over to everyone, still trying to wrap my head around the kiss.

Everyone was silent. They all stared at me. I looked at Jess and saw her big, beautiful, blue eyes and she pushed up her glasses. She had a giant teddy in her hand and I wasn't suprised some how. I thought "What am I doing?"

Jess' P.O.V

We strolled over to Winston to give Nick and Reagan some space. Winston still hadn't caught a duck. For being an ex-basketball player, his coordination is horrific.

I took the pole and straight away I got one. "Yeah! Woohoo! I got one! Yeah!" "Number 46" the girl behind the counter said, looking at the bottom of the duck. "Choose anything from this section, miss" she pointed to a section full of teddy bears, princess dolls and more girly stuff. "Can I have the large, pink teddy with the bow tie please?"

Winston, Cece and Schmidt all looked at me with a disappointed look then everyone started to giggle.

Cece stopped giggling and looked across my shoulder with an upset look. I looked at her and saw that she was looking behind me. I started to turn around when she said "No!" and grabbed my arm but before she could stop me I saw what she was looking at.

Nick was kissing Reagan.

My heart sank to my stomach and tears started to form in my eyes. I tried to hide them but I wasn't as good as doing that as I had thought. I turned back around as quickly as possible and hugged my teddy tighter. Cece came over and give me a hug.

Winston had no idea what was going on so he said, "Whats wrong?" Schmidt whispered something into his ear. Winston turned to look at Jess and mouthed ,"sorry".

Cece let me go rather quickly and stood back in her original position. I wiped some of my tears away and tried to fix my glasses.

Nick came over and we all stared at him. He stared at me with puffy eyes as if he had just been crying.

He stared at me the whole time and I stared back not knowing what to say.

I looked into his eyes and realised how much I still love him and how much I need to tell him before him and Reagan become together again.

I've Always Loved You -- New Girl (Ness)Where stories live. Discover now