Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 7:00. I got up, brushed my teeth and got dressed to go to my new job.

I went into the living room and sat down to check my emails. Nothing. I was ready an hour early for work and no-one else was up yet so I thought that I would get to work early and give a good impression.

I got there and there were no other cars in the parking lot. I went inside and went to the principal's office to ask what class I will be teaching in.

I got to the office and no-one was there. So I sat in the seats outside and sat my purse on my lap, took out my phone and texted Cece who had taken a lend of Winston's phone. "You up yet, sleepy head?" She texted back, "Yeah, making coffee. Are you not supposed to be in work?"

"I am, but, I'm really early so I'm sitting outside the principal's office." I replied.

"Oh ok, well, I have to go so I'll see you, text me after school, ok?" She texted.

"Yeah, see ya later. :)"

I was sitting for around 15 minutes before I finally saw someone turn the corner down the hall. "Hey!" I shouted, waving one hand in the air and using the other to hold my bag as I stood up.

The man looked at me and said "You must be Jessica Day." He held out his arm to shake my hand. He had brown hair and a stubble. He had glasses and he looked to be in his mid thirties.

'Yes. Yes I am. And you are?" I asked.

"I'm Richard Chester. I'm the principal of this wonderful school." He answered with a smile.

"Well, I hope it is wonderful. I just cannot wait to get started." I said in  my cheerful voice.

"So would you like to come in and sit?" Mr Chester suggested, gestering his hand toward his office.

"Yes. Please." I said, smiling. I walked into the office and he closely followed behind me.

I sat down in the chair in front of the desk and Mr Chester sat opposite me on the other side of the desk. He shuffled some papers around and placed then to the one side. He propped his elbows on to the table and crossed his arms.

"So..." I said, feeling very uneasy and awkward as there was silence.

"How do you think you'll fit in here, Misses Day?"

"Miss Day." I corrected him.

"Oh, my apologies, Miss Day." He smiled at me amused and I gave him a grin back.

"It's ok." I said, pushing up my glasses.

"Dont be nervous." He giggled and I looked up.

"I'm not. Well, I am because it is my first day."

"Well, don't be. You'll fit right in here Miss Day." He said, looking down at his hands then swiftly moving his eyes to connect with mine.

"Thank you so much Mr Chester." I said with a smile.

"Please. Call me Richard."

"Ok, then you can call me Jess." I smirked and stood up, holding out my hand to shake his.

He grabbed my hand and shook it. Our hands were connected for a remarkably long time while we just made eye contact.

"I should really get to class." I mumbled and I could feel the red on my cheeks. I pointed to the door behind me and removed my other hand from the awkward situation. I pushed the stray hair that had fallen free, behind my ear and turned to walk out. I opened the door to a hallway full of children going to their class.

I slightly ran to get to my class because even though I was early, Richard kept me behind.

I got to my class and everyone was sitting neatly at their desk with books open and pencils in their hands.

"Wow!" I thought to myself. "This class is great!"

I went over to my desk and placed my purse on the ground. I turned to face the class and it was silent.

"Hi, my name's Ms Day and I'm new so I'd like to know some of your names. So please introduce yourselves." I announced pointing to a little girl at the front.

She stood up straight and put her hands behind her back, very sensible. "My name is Lily and I really like to read."

"Ok good. Thank you Lily" I praised then she sat back down.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" I pointed to the next girl beside Lily.

"Um... I-I'm K-Kelsey" She looked down and fiddled with her thumbs.

"Dont be shy." I whispered loudly trying to give a friendly impression.

"Um... Ok. I really like reading but I also like to write stories." She whispered, still in a shy voice.

"This class is so smart." I thought to myself once again.

"Ok, wow thank you, you can have a seat now." I gestured my hand toward Kelsey as I said this. "Next up, tell us a little bit about yourself." I said, pointing my index finger at a little boy in the seat next to Kelsey, and placing my other hand on my hip.

He stood up straight and ran a hand through his hair, then put his hands down next to his sides again.

"I'm Peter." He said with confidence in his voice. "I love soccer and reading also." He smiled then sat down. We went round the whole class and told a little bit about ourselves.

We finally got to the last person and it was lunch time. I dismissed the class and sat behind my desk to eat my sandwich.

A little while later the children came back and we started to talk about what books people enjoyed to read. I asked Kelsey what she likes to write about and she said that she likes to write about and she said that she loves to write Sci-Fi stories, about monsters and aliens.

I was intrigued with this class. So young and so motivated.

The bell rang for the end of school and all of the students got their bags and rushed out the classroom to go home.

Some met their parents outside and some got the bus.

I grabbed my bag, got my keys and headed out the classroom door to the parking lot to go home.

I've Always Loved You -- New Girl (Ness)Where stories live. Discover now