(21) Wedding Day

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Keep in mind I've never been to a wedding so this might be off

6 months later
Kirstie POV

"Hey girl hey!" Mitch walks into my room, slamming the door shut rather quickly.


"Wedding day!! And here is my, well actually Scott and I's present to you!" He throws the door open and Logan stands there, in a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and nice black shoes.

"LOGAN!!" I jump out of bed and hug the teen tightly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Hey Kirst. Happy wedding day." Logan hugs me also and rubs my back, seeing as we haven't seen each other in about 7-8 months.

"Here. Let's get you ready so you can walk out the doors outside." We agreed to have the wedding at Joey's old house, for a little memorial for the three year anniversary of his death, along with Daniel and Sawyer.

"Kay." Mitch sets up the makeup while Logan hands me my dress to put on. Yes, I did try it on every month to make sure it still fits. Which it does.

"KitKat is gonna look flawless as always!" Gabi and Jordyn walk in. We paid for Gabi's plane ticket here and back to Lithuania.

"Where's your veil?" Gabi asks. I hand her the box with the veil and jewelry and she opens it to look through.

"Here, let me show you something." Jordyn sits me on the bed before I went to put on my dress and handed me a bouquet of white roses, to go with my wedding dress.

"Take these. One is fake, which represents that the love between you and Jeremy will stand until the last flower dies, but it won't die. So the love will be forever. Tacky, but cute. They're from Jeremy."

"Thanks, JJ." I embrace the teen and smile widely at her.

"Logan and Cassy would be so proud of you, Kirst."

"Logan IS proud, thank you very much." Jordyn spins around and a goofy grin makes it's way up my face.

"You- and you-dead-alive-bullet-WHAT!!?" Is all Jordyn manages to make out. Gabi comes back in the room with a drink but once she sees Logan spews it out.

"BITCH YOU LEFT US HALF A YEAR AGO!!" Gabi eyes Logan and I can basically feel he's scared of what the girls will say.

"Don't ever do that shit again." Gabi sets her cup down and hugs Logan tightly, and the group hug gets joined in by Jordyn.

"Missed ya, ya big dingus doofus." She messes up the male teen's hair to which he groans at the action.

"Cone on, this took me forever to do." He grabs the hairspray and brush and sets out to work again while the girls make me get into my wedding dress.

"Shit, guys. Gabi got her drink all down my shirt, I'm gonna go change since I brought a spare." We all nod and Logan walks out of the room, leaving us to get ready in here.


The whole Cassy thing is really tipping me over. I miss her so much. She's my little angel, and... Ugh why her!? Why did she want to kill herself? I don't get it.

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