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Sometimes I worry...

I worry my soul is not pure enough to penetrate into Heaven

I worry my sins overpower my blessings

I worry that in this world, this overpopulated world, I have lost my precious soul

Sometimes I worry...

I worry that I curse my parents than I do bless them

I worry I let them down-being the antithesis to their hopes for me

I worry they feel they made a mistake in me

Sometimes I worry...

I worry my intelligence only stems from the intelligence of others

I worry that I cannot solve x

I worry that education is useless if I won't have it in my death

Sometimes I worry...

I worry that my friends are pathetic and I become like them everyday

I worry that I may be the pathetic one, making them like myself in the process

I worry that I do not know them-only what they tell me

I worry for their dreams, disappointments, and their daily demons

Sometimes I worry...

I worry that I won't become everything I want to be

I worry that my dreams may only be illusions

I worry that I cannot change the way I live

I worry that I depend to live more than I live to depend

Sometimes I worry...

I worry that I may never get married

I worry my wife is hoping for me but will never find me

I worry that I may never become the person she needs me to be

Sometimes I worry...

I worry that my wife may die at youth

I worry that she may develop disease, be contaminated by the world, or even forget herself

I worry that she may divorce me

Sometimes I worry...

I worry that I may never have children

I worry that, if they come, they might be deformed

I worry that I may not be a good father

Sometimes I worry...

I worry about what I see

I worry about what I face and what I may succumb to

I worry about poverty, solitude, and damnation

Sometimes I worry...

I worry about the little girl who has just been raped

I worry about the boy who's lost a father at a young age

I worry about the individual who has everything that amounts to nothing

Sometimes I worry...

I worry about my body

I worry about my race, height, gender, and disabilities

I worry about how others see my body

I worry about why others look more different than me

The Virgin Anthology(2013)Where stories live. Discover now