Tokyo Woman

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Amongst the visages in this city

I see a woman distinguished

Betwixt my heart's calamity

She ignites a fiery zeal -it falls not extinguished.

A festival of artificial lights illuminates her smile

Her lips are crimson and her teeth so soft as to have been with a file.

Her eyes are kaleidoscopes

Awe brightly camps in those.

Her skin displays as creamy milk

I swear a texture of silk

I would feel and a taste to be sweet

Her body is complete.

Her movement is systematic, rhythmic, terrific and poetic

Her shoulders gyrate, lightly elevate, before they softly gravitate

Her hips sway as well they may

I become a rock-just waiting for her to come by my way.

O Tokyo woman do you see me?

I who divides you from the horde around thee

I who grasps your splendour in my heart


O Tokyo woman

You're blazing my spirit; a natural disaster

I will not prohibit.

O Tokyo woman

I'm going supernova

You're taking me out of this world

Casting me in a stellar space.

O Tokyo woman

Should I explode into a red giant

Will your passion still be great enough for me to contain?

O Tokyo woman

O should I become a black hole

Are you close enough to fall?

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